from openmdao.main.api import Assembly, Component
from openmdao.lib.drivers.api import DOEdriver
from openmdao.lib.doegenerators.api import FullFactorial
from openmdao.lib.casehandlers.api import DumpCaseRecorder
from openmdao.lib.datatypes.api import Float
from pycycle.api import (FlowStartStatic, SplitterW, Inlet, Compressor, Duct,
Nozzle, CycleComponent, HeatExchanger, FlowStation)
[docs]class Performance(CycleComponent):
C1_pwr = Float(0, iotype='in', units='hp')
C2_pwr = Float(0, iotype='in', units='hp')
Fg = Float(0, iotype='in', units='lbf')
F_ram = Float(0, iotype='in', units='lbf')
Ps_bearing_target = Float(iotype="in", units="psi")
Ps_bearing = Float(iotype="in", units="psi")
pwr = Float(0, iotype='out', units='hp')
F_net = Float(0, iotype='out', units='lbf')
Ps_bearing_residual = Float(iotype="out", desc="residual related to the proper value for bearing air static pressure", units="psi")
[docs] def execute(self):
self.pwr = self.C1_pwr + self.C2_pwr
self.F_net = self.Fg - self.F_ram
self.Ps_bearing_residual = .001*(self.Ps_bearing - self.Ps_bearing_target)
[docs]class CompressionSystem(Assembly):
#I/O Variables accessible on the boundary of the assembly
#NOTE: Some unit conversions to metric also happen here
Mach_pod_max = Float(1.0, iotype="in", desc="Maximum travel Mach of the pod")
W_in = Float(.69, iotype="in", desc="mass flow rate into the compression system", units="kg/s")
W_bearing_in = Float(.2, iotype="in", desc="required mass flow rate for the bearing system", units="kg/s")
Ps_tube = Float(99, iotype="in", desc="static pressure in the tube", units="Pa")
Ts_tube = Float(292.1, iotype="in", desc="static temperature in the tube", units="degK")
Mach_c1_in = Float(.6, iotype="in", desc="Mach number at entrance to the first compressor at design conditions")
c1_PR_des = Float(12.47, iotype="in", desc="pressure ratio of first compressor at design conditions")
Ps_bearing = Float(11000, iotype="in", desc="Static pressure of the bearing air", units="Pa")
nozzle_Fl_O = FlowStation(iotype="out", desc="flow exiting the nozzle", copy=None)
bearing_Fl_O = FlowStation(iotype="out", desc="flow exiting the bearings", copy=None)
rho_air = Float(iotype="out", desc="Density (needed for aero calcs in another component)")
speed_max = Float(iotype="out", desc="maximum velocity of the pod", units="m/s")
area_c1_in = Float(iotype="out", desc="flow area required for the input to the first compressor", units="cm**2")
area_c1_out = Float(iotype="out", desc="flow area required for the output to the first compressor", units="cm**2")
area_inlet_in = Float(iotype="out", desc="flow area required for the first compressor", units="cm**2")
nozzle_flow_area = Float(iotype="out", desc="flow area required for the nozzle exit", units="cm**2")
pwr_req = Float(iotype="out", desc="pwr required to drivr the compression system", units="kW")
F_net = Float(iotype="out", desc="Thrust generated by the nozzle", units="N")
#state variables
c2_PR_des = Float(5, iotype="in", desc="pressure ratio of second compressor at design conditions")
Ps_bearing_residual = Float(iotype="out", desc="residual related to the proper value for bearing air static pressure", units="Pa")
[docs] def configure(self):
#Add Compressor Cycle Components
tube = self.add('tube', FlowStartStatic())
#tube.W = 1.521
tube.Ps = 0.01436
tube.Ts = 525.6
inlet = self.add('inlet', Inlet())
inlet.ram_recovery = 1.0
#inlet.MNexit_des = .6
comp1 = self.add('comp1', Compressor())
comp1.PR_des = 12.47
comp1.MNexit_des = .4
comp1.eff_des = .80
duct1 = self.add('duct1', Duct())
duct1.Q_dot = 0# no heat exchangers
duct1.dPqP = .1 #no losses
split = self.add('split', SplitterW())
split.W1_des = .44
split.MNexit1_des = 1.0
split.MNexit2_des = 1.0
nozzle = self.add('nozzle', Nozzle())
nozzle.dPqP = 0 #no losses
comp2 = self.add('comp2', Compressor())
comp2.PR_des = 5.0
comp2.MNexit_des = .4
comp2.eff_des = .80
duct2 = self.add('duct2', Duct()) #to bearings
duct2.Q_dot = 0 #no heat exchangers
duct2.dPqP = .1 #no losses
perf = self.add('perf', Performance())
#Inter Component Connections
self.connect('tube.Fl_O', 'inlet.Fl_I')
self.connect('comp1.Fl_O', 'duct1.Fl_I')
self.connect('duct1.Fl_O', 'split.Fl_I')
self.connect('split.Fl_O2', 'nozzle.Fl_I')
self.connect('tube.Fl_O', 'nozzle.Fl_ref')
self.connect('split.Fl_O1', 'comp2.Fl_I')
self.connect('duct2.Fl_O.Ps', 'perf.Ps_bearing')
self.connect('nozzle.Fg', 'perf.Fg')
self.connect('inlet.F_ram', 'perf.F_ram')
#Input variable pass_throughs to the assembly boundary
#Compress -> Tube
self.connect('W_in', 'tube.W')
self.connect('Ps_tube', 'tube.Ps')
self.connect('Mach_pod_max', 'tube.Mach')
#Compress -> Inlet
self.connect('Mach_c1_in', 'inlet.MNexit_des')
#Compress -> C1
#Compress -> C2
#Compress -> Splitter
self.connect('W_bearing_in', 'split.W1_des')
#Compress -> Perf
self.connect('Ps_bearing', 'perf.Ps_bearing_target')
#Output variable pass_throughs to the assembly boundary
self.connect('tube.Fl_O.rhot', 'rho_air') #promoted for aero calc
self.connect('tube.Fl_O.area', 'area_inlet_in')
self.connect('tube.Fl_O.Vflow', 'speed_max')
self.connect('inlet.Fl_O.area', 'area_c1_in')
self.connect('comp1.Fl_O.area', 'area_c1_out')
self.connect('nozzle.Fl_O.area', 'nozzle_flow_area')
self.connect('nozzle.Fl_O', 'nozzle_Fl_O')
self.connect('duct2.Fl_O', 'bearing_Fl_O')
self.connect('perf.pwr', 'pwr_req')
self.connect('perf.Ps_bearing_residual', 'Ps_bearing_residual')
#driver setup
design = self.driver
comp_list = ['tube','inlet','comp1',
'duct1', 'split', 'nozzle', 'comp2', 'duct2', 'perf']
for comp_name in comp_list: #need to put everything in design mode
if __name__ == "__main__":
from math import pi
from openmdao.main.api import set_as_top
hlc = set_as_top(CompressionSystem())
hlc.Mach_pod_max = 1
print "pwr: ", hlc.comp1.pwr+hlc.comp2.pwr,hlc.comp1.pwr,hlc.comp2.pwr
print "tube area:",
print "tube Ps",,
print "tube Rhos",
print "tube W",
print "inlet W", hlc.inlet.Fl_I.W
print "tube rad: ", (**.5
print "tube V: ",,
fs =