Source code for hyperloop.tube_wall_temp

""" - 
        Determines the steady state temperature of the hyperloop tube.
        Calculates Q released/absorbed by hyperloop tube due to:
        Internal Convection, Tube Conduction, Ambient Natural Convection, Solar Flux In, Radiation Out
    -original calculations from Jeff Berton, ported and extended by Jeff Chin

    Compatible with OpenMDAO v0.8.1
from math import log, pi, sqrt, e

from openmdao.main.api import Assembly, Component
from openmdao.lib.drivers.api import BroydenSolver 
from openmdao.lib.datatypes.api import Float, Bool
from openmdao.main.api import convert_units as cu

from pycycle.api import FlowStation

[docs]class TubeWallTemp(Component): """ Calculates Q released/absorbed by the hyperloop tube """ #--Inputs-- #Hyperloop Parameters/Design Variables diameter_outer_tube = Float(2.23, units = 'm', iotype='in', desc='tube outer diameter') #7.3ft length_tube = Float(482803, units = 'm', iotype='in', desc='Length of entire Hyperloop') #300 miles, 1584000ft num_pods = Float(34, units = 'K', iotype='in', desc='Number of Pods in the Tube at a given time') # temp_boundary = Float(322.0, units = 'K', iotype='in', desc='Average Temperature of the tube wall') # temp_outside_ambient = Float(305.6, units = 'K', iotype='in', desc='Average Temperature of the outside air') # nozzle_air = FlowStation(iotype="in", desc="air exiting the pod nozzle", copy=None) bearing_air = FlowStation(iotype="in", desc="air exiting the air bearings", copy=None) #constants solar_insolation = Float(1000., iotype="in", units = 'W/m**2', desc='solar irradiation at sea level on a clear day') # nn_incidence_factor = Float(0.7, iotype="in", desc='Non-normal incidence factor') # surface_reflectance = Float(0.5, desc='Solar Reflectance Index') # q_per_area_solar = Float(350., units = 'W/m**2', desc='Solar Heat Rate Absorbed per Area') # q_total_solar = Float(375989751., iotype="in", units = 'W', desc='Solar Heat Absorbed by Tube') # emissivity_tube = Float(0.5, iotype="in", units = 'W', desc='Emmissivity of the Tube') # sb_constant = Float(0.00000005670373, iotype="in", units = 'W/((m**2)*(K**4))', desc='Stefan-Boltzmann Constant') # #--Outputs-- area_rad = Float(337486.1, units = 'm**2', iotype='out', desc='Tube Radiating Area') # #Required for Natural Convection Calcs GrDelTL3 = Float(1946216.7, units = '1/((ft**3)*F)', iotype='out', desc='Heat Radiated to the outside') # Pr = Float(0.707, iotype='out', desc='Heat Radiated to the outside') # Gr = Float(12730351223., iotype='out', desc='Heat Radiated to the outside') # Ra = Float(8996312085., iotype='out', desc='Heat Radiated to the outside') # Nu = Float(232.4543713, iotype='out', desc='Heat Radiated to the outside') # k = Float(0.02655, units = 'W/(m*K)', iotype='out', desc='Heat Radiated to the outside') # h = Float(0.845464094, units = 'W/((m**2)*K)', iotype='out', desc='Heat Radiated to the outside') # area_convection = Float(3374876.115, units = 'W', iotype='out', desc='Convection Area') # #Natural Convection q_per_area_nat_conv = Float(7.9, units = 'W/(m**2)', iotype='out', desc='Heat Radiated per Area to the outside') # total_q_nat_conv = Float(286900419., units = 'W', iotype='out', desc='Total Heat Radiated to the outside via Natural Convection') # #Exhausted from Pods heat_rate_pod = Float(519763, units = 'W', iotype='out', desc='Heating Due to a Single Pods') # total_heat_rate_pods = Float(17671942., units = 'W', iotype='out', desc='Heating Due to a All Pods') # #Radiated Out q_rad_per_area = Float(31.6, units = 'W/(m**2)', iotype='out', desc='Heat Radiated to the outside') # q_rad_tot = Float(106761066.5, units = 'W', iotype='out', desc='Heat Radiated to the outside') # #Radiated In viewing_angle = Float(1074256, units = 'm**2', iotype='out', desc='Effective Area hit by Sun') # #Total Heating q_total_out = Float(286900419., units = 'W', iotype='out', desc='Total Heat Released via Radiation and Natural Convection') # q_total_in = Float(286900419., units = 'W', iotype='out', desc='Total Heat Absorbed/Added via Pods and Solar Absorption') # #Residual (for solver) ss_temp_residual = Float(units = 'K', iotype='out', desc='Residual of T_released - T_absorbed')
[docs] def execute(self): """Calculate Various Paramters""" bearing_q = cu(self.bearing_air.W,'lbm/s','kg/s') * cu(self.bearing_air.Cp,'Btu/(lbm*degR)','J/(kg*K)') * (cu(self.bearing_air.Tt,'degR','degK') - self.temp_boundary) nozzle_q = cu(self.nozzle_air.W,'lbm/s','kg/s') * cu(self.nozzle_air.Cp,'Btu/(lbm*degR)','J/(kg*K)') * (cu(self.nozzle_air.Tt,'degR','degK') - self.temp_boundary) #Q = mdot * cp * deltaT self.heat_rate_pod = nozzle_q +bearing_q #Total Q = Q * (number of pods) self.total_heat_rate_pods = self.heat_rate_pod*self.num_pods #Determine thermal resistance of outside via Natural Convection or forced convection if(self.temp_outside_ambient < 400): self.GrDelTL3 = 41780000000000000000*((self.temp_outside_ambient)**(-4.639)) #SI units ( pg51) else: self.GrDelTL3 = 4985000000000000000*((self.temp_outside_ambient)**(-4.284)) #SI units ( pg51) #Prandtl Number #Pr = viscous diffusion rate/ thermal diffusion rate = Cp * dyanamic viscosity / thermal conductivity #Pr << 1 means thermal diffusivity dominates #Pr >> 1 means momentum diffusivity dominates if (self.temp_outside_ambient < 400): self.Pr = 1.23*(self.temp_outside_ambient**(-0.09685)) #SI units ( pg51) else: self.Pr = 0.59*(self.temp_outside_ambient**(0.0239)) #Grashof Number #Relationship between buoyancy and viscosity #Laminar = Gr < 10^8 #Turbulent = Gr > 10^9 self.Gr = self.GrDelTL3*(self.temp_boundary-self.temp_outside_ambient)*(self.diameter_outer_tube**3) #Rayleigh Number #Buoyancy driven flow (natural convection) self.Ra = self.Pr * self.Gr #Nusselt Number #Nu = convecive heat transfer / conductive heat transfer if (self.Ra<=10**12): #valid in specific flow regime self.Nu = (0.6 + 0.387*self.Ra**(1./6.)/(1 + (0.559/self.Pr)**(9./16.))**(8./27.))**2 #3rd Ed. of Introduction to Heat Transfer by Incropera and DeWitt, equations (9.33) and (9.34) on page 465 if(self.temp_outside_ambient < 400): self.k = 0.0001423*(self.temp_outside_ambient**(0.9138)) #SI units ( pg51) else: self.k = 0.0002494*(self.temp_outside_ambient**(0.8152)) #h = k*Nu/Characteristic Length self.h = (self.k * self.Nu)/ self.diameter_outer_tube #Convection Area = Surface Area self.area_convection = pi * self.length_tube * self.diameter_outer_tube #Determine heat radiated per square meter (Q) self.q_per_area_nat_conv = self.h*(self.temp_boundary-self.temp_outside_ambient) #Determine total heat radiated over entire tube (Qtotal) self.total_q_nat_conv = self.q_per_area_nat_conv * self.area_convection #Determine heat incoming via Sun radiation (Incidence Flux) #Sun hits an effective rectangular cross section self.area_viewing = self.length_tube* self.diameter_outer_tube self.q_per_area_solar = (1-self.surface_reflectance)* self.nn_incidence_factor * self.solar_insolation self.q_total_solar = self.q_per_area_solar * self.area_viewing #Determine heat released via radiation #Radiative area = surface area self.area_rad = self.area_convection #P/A = SB*emmisitivity*(T^4 - To^4) self.q_rad_per_area = self.sb_constant*self.emissivity_tube*((self.temp_boundary**4) - (self.temp_outside_ambient**4)) #P = A * (P/A) self.q_rad_tot = self.area_rad * self.q_rad_per_area #------------ #Sum Up self.q_total_out = self.q_rad_tot + self.total_q_nat_conv self.q_total_in = self.q_total_solar + self.total_heat_rate_pods self.ss_temp_residual = (self.q_total_out - self.q_total_in)/1e6 #run stand-alone component
if __name__ == "__main__": from openmdao.main.api import set_as_top class TubeHeatBalance(Assembly): def configure(self): tm = self.add('tm', TubeWall()) #tm.bearing_air.setTotalTP() driver = self.add('driver',BroydenSolver()) driver.add_parameter('tm.temp_boundary',low=0.,high=10000.) driver.add_constraint('tm.ss_temp_residual=0') driver.workflow.add(['tm']) test = TubeHeatBalance() set_as_top(test) #set input values, 0.304434211) = 1.08 = 0. = 2.22504#, units = 'm', iotype='in', desc='Tube out diameter') #7.3ft = 482803.#, units = 'm', iotype='in', desc='Length of entire Hyperloop') #300 miles, 1584000ft = 34.#, units = 'K', iotype='in', desc='Number of Pods in the Tube at a given time') # = 340#, units = 'K', iotype='in', desc='Average Temperature of the tube') # = 305.6#, units = 'K', iotype='in', desc='Average Temperature of the outside air') # print "-----Completed Tube Heat Flux Model Calculations---" print "" print "CompressQ-{} SolarQ-{} RadQ-{} ConvecQ-{}".format(,,, ) print "Equilibrium Wall Temperature: {} K or {} F".format(, cu(,'degK','degF')) print "Ambient Temperature: {} K or {} F".format(, cu(,'degK','degF')) print "Q Out = {} W ==> Q In = {} W ==> Error: {}%".format(,,((*100)