Source code for hyperloop.tube_limit_flow

from math import pi
import numpy as np

import pylab as p

from openmdao.main.api import Component
from openmdao.lib.datatypes.api import Float

from pycycle.flowstation import AirFlowStation, secant

[docs]class TubeLimitFlow(Component): """Finds the limit velocity for a body traveling through a tube""" #Inputs radius_tube = Float(111.5 , iotype="in", units="cm", desc="required radius for the tube") radius_inlet = Float(73.7, iotype="in", units="cm", desc="radius of the inlet at it's largest point") Ps_tube = Float(99, iotype="in", desc="static pressure in the tube", units="Pa") Ts_tube = Float(292.1, iotype="in", desc="static temperature in the tube", units="degK") Mach_pod = Float(1.0, iotype="in", desc="travel Mach of the pod") Mach_bypass = Float(.95, iotype="in", desc="Mach in the air passing around the pod") #Outputs limit_speed = Float(iotype="out", desc="pod travel speed where flow choking occurs", units="m/s") limit_Mach = Float(iotype="out", desc="pod travel Mach number where flow choking occurs") W_excess = Float(iotype="out", desc="excess tube mass flow above the Kantrowitz limit", units="kg/s") W_tube = Float(iotype="out", desc="Tube demand flow", units="kg/s") W_kant = Float(iotype="out", desc="Kantrowitz limit flow", units="kg/s") #mu_air = Float(iotype="out", desc="dynamic viscosity of air", units="Pa*s")
[docs] def execute(self): fs_tube = self.fs_tube = AirFlowStation() tube_rad = self.radius_tube*0.0328084 #convert to ft inlet_rad = self.radius_inlet*0.0328084 self._tube_area = pi*(tube_rad**2) #ft**2 self._bypass_area = pi*(tube_rad**2-inlet_rad**2) self._Ts = self.Ts_tube*1.8 #convert to R self._Ps = self.Ps_tube*0.000145037738 #convert to psi area_ratio_target = self._tube_area/self._bypass_area def f(m_guess): fs_tube.setStaticTsPsMN(self._Ts, self._Ps , m_guess) gam = fs_tube.gamt g_exp = (gam+1)/(2*(gam-1)) ar = ((gam+1)/2)**(-1*g_exp)*((1+ (gam-1)/2*m_guess**2)**g_exp)/m_guess return ar - area_ratio_target self.limit_Mach = secant(f, .3, x_min=0, x_max=1) self.limit_speed = fs_tube.Vflow*0.3048 #convert to meters #excess mass flow calculation fs_tube.setStaticTsPsMN(self._Ts, self._Ps, self.Mach_pod) self.W_tube = fs_tube.rhos*fs_tube.Vflow*self._tube_area*0.45359 fs_tube.Mach = self.Mach_bypass #Kantrowitz flow is at these total conditions, but with Mach 1 self.W_kant = fs_tube.rhos*fs_tube.Vflow*self._bypass_area*0.45359 #print "test", fs_tube.rhos, fs_tube.Vflow, self._bypass_area, self.W_kant self.W_excess = self.W_tube - self.W_kant #self.mu_air =
[docs]def plot_data(comp, c='b'): """utility function to make the Kantrowitz Limit Plot""" MN = [] W_tube = [] W_kant = [] for m in np.arange(.1,1.1,.1): comp.Mach_pod = m #print comp.radius_tube, comp.Mach_pod, comp.W_tube, comp.W_kant, comp.W_excess MN.append(m) W_kant.append(comp.W_kant) W_tube.append(comp.W_tube) fig = p.plot(MN,W_tube, '-', label="R=%d Req. Flow"%comp.radius_tube, lw=3, c=c) p.plot(MN,W_kant, '--', label="R=%d Limit Flow"%comp.radius_tube, lw=3, c=c) #p.legend(loc="best") p.xlabel('Pod Mach Number') p.ylabel('Flow Rate (kg/sec)') p.title('Tube Limit Flow') return fig #print np.array(W_tube)- np.array(W_kant)
if __name__ == "__main__": from openmdao.main.api import set_as_top comp = set_as_top(TubeLimitFlow()) comp.radius_tube = 100 #print comp.Mach_pod, comp.W_tube, comp.W_kant, comp.W_excess #print comp.MN[-1] #print comp.W_tube[-1] #print comp.W_kant[-1] plot_data(comp,c='b') comp.radius_tube = 150 plot_data(comp,c='g') comp.radius_tube = 200 plot_data(comp,c='r') p.legend(loc="best")