Source code for CADRE.thermal_temperature

''' Thermal discipline for CADRE '''

import numpy as np

from openmdao.lib.datatypes.api import Array

from CADRE.rk4 import RK4

# Allow non-standard variable names for scientific calc
# pylint: disable-msg=C0103

m_f = 0.4
m_b = 2.0
cp_f = 0.6e3
cp_b = 2.0e3
A_T = 2.66e-3

alpha_c = 0.9
alpha_r = 0.2
eps_c = 0.87
eps_r = 0.88

q_sol = 1360.0
K = 5.67051e-8

[docs]class ThermalTemperature(RK4): """ Calculates the temperature distribution on the solar panels.""" def __init__(self, n_times): super(ThermalTemperature, self).__init__() # Inputs self.add("T0", Array(273.*np.ones((5,)), shape=(5,), dtype=np.float, units="degK", iotype="in", desc="Initial temperatures for the 4 fins and body") ) self.add("exposedArea", Array(np.zeros((7, 12, n_times)), units="m**2", size=(7, 12 ,n_times), dtype=np.float, iotype="in", desc="Exposed area to the sun for each solar cell over time") ) self.add("cellInstd", Array(np.ones((7, 12)), size=(7, 12), dtype=np.float, iotype="in", units='unitless', desc="Cell/Radiator indication", low=0, high=1) ) self.add("LOS", Array(np.zeros((n_times, )), size=(n_times, ), dtype=np.float, iotype="in", units='unitless', desc="Satellite to Sun line of sight over time", low=0, high=1) ) self.add("P_comm", Array(np.ones((n_times, )), size=(n_times, ), dtype=np.float, iotype="in", units='W', desc="Communication power over time", low=0, high=1) ) # Outputs self.add("temperature", Array(np.zeros((5, n_times)), shape=(5, n_times), dtype=np.float, units="degK", iotype="out", desc="Temperature for the 4 fins and body over time.", low=50, high=400) ) self.state_var = "temperature" self.init_state_var = "T0" self.external_vars = ["exposedArea", "LOS", "P_comm"] self.fixed_external_vars = ["cellInstd",] # implementation of fixTemps from Thermal_Temperature.f90 for i in range (0, n_times): for k in range (0, 5): self.temperature[k, i] = self.T0[k] if self.temperature[k, i] < 0: self.temperature[k, i] = 0.
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('T0', 'exposedArea', 'LOS', 'P_comm','cellInstd', ) output_keys = ('temperature', ) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def f_dot(self, external, state): # revised implementation from ThermalTemperature.f90 exposedArea = external[:84].reshape(7, 12) LOS = external[84] P_comm = external[85] cellInstd = external[86:].reshape(7, 12) f = np.zeros((5, )) alpha = alpha_c*cellInstd + alpha_r - alpha_r*cellInstd eps = eps_c*cellInstd + eps_r - eps_r*cellInstd # Panels for p in range(0, 12): # Body if p < 4: f_i = 4 m = m_b cp = cp_b # Fin else: f_i = (p+1)%4 m = m_f cp = cp_f # Cells fact1 = q_sol*LOS/(m*cp) fact2 = K*A_T*state[f_i]**4/(m*cp) f[f_i] += np.sum(alpha[:, p] * exposedArea[:, p]) * fact1 f[f_i] -= np.sum(eps[:, p]) * fact2 f[4] += 4.0 * P_comm / m_b / cp_b return f
[docs] def df_dy(self, external, state): # revised implementation from ThermalTemperature.f90 cellInstd = external[86:].reshape(7, 12) eps = eps_c*cellInstd + eps_r - eps_r*cellInstd dfdy = np.zeros((5, 5)) # Panels for p in range(0, 12): # Body if p < 4: f_i = 4 m = m_b cp = cp_b # Fin else: f_i = (p+1)%4 m = m_f cp = cp_f # Cells fact = 4.0*K*A_T*state[f_i]**3/(m*cp) dfdy[f_i, f_i] -= np.sum(eps) * fact return dfdy
[docs] def df_dx(self, external, state): # revised implementation from ThermalTemperature.f90 exposedArea = external[:84].reshape(7, 12) LOS = external[84] cellInstd = external[86:].reshape(7, 12) dfdx = np.zeros((5, 170)) alpha = alpha_c*cellInstd + alpha_r - alpha_r*cellInstd dalpha_dw = alpha_c - alpha_r deps_dw = eps_c - eps_r # Panels for p in range(0, 12): # Body if p < 4: f_i = 4 m = m_b cp = cp_b # Fin else: f_i = (p+1)%4 m = m_f cp = cp_f # Cells fact3 = q_sol/(m*cp) fact1 = fact3*LOS fact2 = K*A_T*state[f_i]**4/(m*cp) dfdx[f_i, p:p+84:12] += alpha[:, p] * fact1 dfdx[f_i, p+86:p+170:12] += dalpha_dw * exposedArea[:, p] * fact1 - \ deps_dw * fact2 dfdx[f_i, 84] += np.sum(alpha[:, p] * exposedArea[:, p]) * fact3 dfdx[4, 85] += 4.0 / m_b / cp_b return dfdx