Source code for CADRE.test.test_derivatives

import unittest
import numpy as np
import pickle
import random
import warnings

from openmdao.main.api import Assembly, set_as_top
from openmdao.util.testutil import assert_rel_error

from CADRE.attitude import Attitude_Angular, Attitude_AngularRates, \
    Attitude_Attitude, Attitude_Roll, Attitude_RotationMtx, \
    Attitude_RotationMtxRates, Attitude_Torque
from CADRE.battery import BatteryConstraints, BatteryPower, BatterySOC
from CADRE.comm import Comm_AntRotation, Comm_AntRotationMtx, Comm_BitRate, \
    Comm_DataDownloaded, Comm_Distance, Comm_EarthsSpin, Comm_EarthsSpinMtx, \
    Comm_GainPattern, Comm_GSposEarth, Comm_GSposECI, Comm_LOS, Comm_VectorAnt, \
    Comm_VectorBody, Comm_VectorECI, Comm_VectorSpherical
from CADRE.orbit import Orbit_Initial, Orbit_Dynamics
from CADRE.parameters import BsplineParameters
from CADRE.power import Power_CellVoltage, Power_SolarPower, Power_Total
from CADRE.reactionwheel import ReactionWheel_Power, \
    ReactionWheel_Torque, ReactionWheel_Dynamics
from import Solar_ExposedArea
from CADRE.sun import Sun_LOS, Sun_PositionBody, Sun_PositionECI, \
from CADRE.thermal_temperature import ThermalTemperature

import os


# Ignore the numerical warnings from performing the rel error calc.

class Testcase_CADRE(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] """ Test run/step/stop aspects of a simple workflow. """ def setUp(self):
[docs] """ Called before each test. """ self.model = set_as_top(Assembly()) def tearDown(self):
[docs] """ Called after each test. """ self.model = None def setup(self, compname, inputs, state0):
[docs] try: self.model.add('comp', eval('%s(NTIME)' % compname)) except TypeError: # At least one comp has no args. self.model.add('comp', eval('%s()' % compname)) self.model.driver.workflow.add('comp') #data = pickle.load(open("data1346.pkl", 'rb')) for item in inputs + state0: val = self.model.comp.get(item) #key = "%d:%s" % (NTIME, item) if hasattr(val, 'shape'): shape1 = val.shape #self.model.comp.set(item, data[key]) self.model.comp.set(item, np.random.random(shape1)) else: #self.model.comp.set(item, data[key][0]) self.model.comp.set(item, random.random()) def run_model(self):
[docs] self.model.comp.h = 0.01 def compare_derivatives(self, var_in, var_out, rel_error=False):
[docs] wflow = self.model.driver.workflow inputs = ['comp.%s' % v for v in var_in] outputs = ['comp.%s' % v for v in var_out] # Numeric wflow.config_changed() Jn = wflow.calc_gradient(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, mode="fd") # print Jn # Analytic forward wflow.config_changed() Jf = wflow.calc_gradient(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, mode='forward') # print Jf if rel_error: diff = np.nan_to_num(abs(Jf - Jn) / Jn) else: diff = abs(Jf - Jn) assert_rel_error(self, diff.max(), 0.0, 1e-3) # Analytic adjoint wflow.config_changed() Ja = wflow.calc_gradient(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, mode='adjoint') # print Ja if rel_error: diff = np.nan_to_num(abs(Ja - Jn) / Jn) else: diff = abs(Ja - Jn) assert_rel_error(self, diff.max(), 0.0, 1e-3) def test_Comm_DataDownloaded(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_DataDownloaded' inputs = ['Dr'] outputs = ['Data'] state0 = ['Data0'] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Comm_AntRotation(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_AntRotation' inputs = ['antAngle'] outputs = ['q_A'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Comm_AntRotationMtx(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_AntRotationMtx' inputs = ['q_A'] outputs = ['O_AB'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Comm_BitRate(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_BitRate' inputs = ['P_comm', 'gain', 'GSdist', 'CommLOS'] outputs = ['Dr'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) # These need to be a certain magnitude so it doesn't blow up shape = self.model.comp.P_comm.shape self.model.comp.P_comm = np.ones(shape) shape = self.model.comp.GSdist.shape self.model.comp.GSdist = np.random.random(shape) * 1e3 self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Comm_Distance(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_Distance' inputs = ['r_b2g_A'] outputs = ['GSdist'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Comm_EarthsSpin(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_EarthsSpin' inputs = ['t'] outputs = ['q_E'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Comm_EarthsSpinMtx(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_EarthsSpinMtx' inputs = ['q_E'] outputs = ['O_IE'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Comm_GainPattern(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_GainPattern' inputs = ['azimuthGS', 'elevationGS'] outputs = ['gain'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Comm_GSposEarth(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_GSposEarth' inputs = ['lon', 'lat', 'alt'] outputs = ['r_e2g_E'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Comm_GSposECI(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_GSposECI' inputs = ['O_IE', 'r_e2g_E'] outputs = ['r_e2g_I'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Comm_LOS(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_LOS' inputs = ['r_b2g_I', 'r_e2g_I'] outputs = ['CommLOS'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Comm_VectorAnt(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_VectorAnt' inputs = ['r_b2g_B', 'O_AB'] outputs = ['r_b2g_A'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Comm_VectorBody(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_VectorBody' inputs = ['r_b2g_I', 'O_BI'] outputs = ['r_b2g_B'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Comm_VectorECI(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_VectorECI' inputs = ['r_e2g_I', 'r_e2b_I'] outputs = ['r_b2g_I'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Comm_VectorSpherical(self):
[docs] compname = 'Comm_VectorSpherical' inputs = ['r_b2g_A'] outputs = ['azimuthGS', 'elevationGS'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_ThermalTemperature(self):
[docs] compname = 'ThermalTemperature' inputs = ['exposedArea', 'cellInstd', 'LOS', 'P_comm'] outputs = ['temperature'] state0 = ['T0'] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Attitude_Angular(self):
[docs] compname = 'Attitude_Angular' inputs = ['O_BI', 'Odot_BI'] outputs = ['w_B'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Attitude_AngularRates(self):
[docs] compname = 'Attitude_AngularRates' inputs = ['w_B'] outputs = ['wdot_B'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Attitude_Attitude(self):
[docs] compname = 'Attitude_Attitude' inputs = ['r_e2b_I'] outputs = ['O_RI'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Attitude_Roll(self):
[docs] compname = 'Attitude_Roll' inputs = ['Gamma'] outputs = ['O_BR'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Attitude_RotationMtx(self):
[docs] compname = 'Attitude_RotationMtx' inputs = ['O_BR', 'O_RI'] outputs = ['O_BI'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Attitude_RotationMtxRates(self):
[docs] compname = 'Attitude_RotationMtxRates' inputs = ['O_BI'] outputs = ['Odot_BI'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) # def test_Attitude_Sideslip(self): # compname = 'Attitude_Sideslip' # inputs = ['r_e2b_I', 'O_BI'] # outputs = ['v_e2b_B'] # state0 = [] # self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) # self.run_model() # self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Attitude_Torque(self):
[docs] compname = 'Attitude_Torque' inputs = ['w_B', 'wdot_B'] outputs = ['T_tot'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Sun_LOS(self):
[docs] compname = 'Sun_LOS' inputs = ['r_e2b_I', 'r_e2s_I'] outputs = ['LOS'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Sun_PositionBody(self):
[docs] compname = 'Sun_PositionBody' inputs = ['O_BI', 'r_e2s_I'] outputs = ['r_e2s_B'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Sun_PositionECI(self):
[docs] compname = 'Sun_PositionECI' inputs = ['t', 'LD'] outputs = ['r_e2s_I'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Sun_PositionSpherical(self):
[docs] compname = 'Sun_PositionSpherical' inputs = ['r_e2s_B'] outputs = ['azimuth', 'elevation'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Solar_ExposedArea(self):
[docs] compname = 'Solar_ExposedArea' inputs = ['finAngle', 'azimuth', 'elevation'] outputs = ['exposedArea'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Power_CellVoltage(self):
[docs] # fix compname = 'Power_CellVoltage' inputs = ['LOS', 'temperature', 'exposedArea', 'Isetpt'] outputs = ['V_sol'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) shape = self.model.comp.temperature.shape self.model.comp.temperature = np.ones(shape) shape = self.model.comp.temperature.shape self.model.comp.temperature = np.random.random(shape) * 40 + 240 shape = self.model.comp.exposedArea.shape self.model.comp.exposedArea = np.random.random(shape) * 1e-4 shape = self.model.comp.Isetpt.shape self.model.comp.Isetpt = np.random.random(shape) * 1e-2 self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs, outputs, rel_error=True) def test_Power_SolarPower(self):
[docs] compname = 'Power_SolarPower' inputs = ['V_sol', 'Isetpt'] outputs = ['P_sol'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Power_Total(self):
[docs] compname = 'Power_Total' inputs = ['P_sol', 'P_comm', 'P_RW'] outputs = ['P_bat'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) # def test_ReactionWheel_Motor(self): # compname = 'ReactionWheel_Motor' # inputs = ['T_RW', 'w_B', 'w_RW'] # outputs = ['T_m'] # state0 = [] # self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) # self.run_model() # self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_ReactionWheel_Dynamics(self):
[docs] compname = 'ReactionWheel_Dynamics' inputs = ['w_B', 'T_RW'] outputs = ['w_RW'] # keep these at zeros state0 = [] # ['w_RW0'] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) shape = self.model.comp.w_B.shape self.model.comp.w_B = np.random.random(shape) * 1e-4 shape = self.model.comp.T_RW.shape self.model.comp.T_RW = np.random.random(shape) * 1e-9 self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_ReactionWheel_Power(self):
[docs] compname = 'ReactionWheel_Power' inputs = ['w_RW', 'T_RW'] outputs = ['P_RW'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs, outputs, rel_error=True) def test_ReactionWheel_Torque(self):
[docs] compname = 'ReactionWheel_Torque' inputs = ['T_tot'] outputs = ['T_RW'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_BatterySOC(self):
[docs] compname = 'BatterySOC' inputs = ['P_bat', 'temperature'] outputs = ['SOC'] state0 = ['iSOC'] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_BatteryPower(self):
[docs] compname = 'BatteryPower' inputs = ['SOC', 'temperature', 'P_bat'] outputs = ['I_bat'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_BatteryConstraints(self):
[docs] compname = 'BatteryConstraints' inputs = ['I_bat', 'SOC'] outputs = ['ConCh', 'ConDs', 'ConS0', 'ConS1'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_AAOrbit_Dynamics(self):
[docs] compname = 'Orbit_Dynamics' inputs = ['r_e2b_I0'] outputs = ['r_e2b_I'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) shape = self.model.comp.r_e2b_I0.shape self.model.comp.r_e2b_I0[:3] = np.random.random((3)) * 1e6 self.model.comp.r_e2b_I0[3:] = np.random.random((3)) * 1e5 self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_Orbit_Initial(self):
[docs] compname = 'Orbit_Initial' inputs = ['altPerigee', 'altApogee', 'RAAN', 'Inc', 'argPerigee', 'trueAnomaly'] outputs = ['r_e2b_I0'] state0 = [] self.setup(compname, inputs, state0) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) def test_bspline_parameters(self):
[docs] compname = 'BsplineParameters' inputs = ['CP_P_comm', 'CP_gamma', 'CP_Isetpt'] outputs = ['P_comm', 'Gamma', 'Isetpt'] state0 = [] self.model.add('comp', BsplineParameters(NTIME, 5)) self.model.driver.workflow.add('comp') for item in inputs: val = self.model.comp.get(item) shape1 = val.shape self.model.comp.set(item, np.random.random(shape1)) self.run_model() self.compare_derivatives(inputs+state0, outputs) if __name__ == "__main__":