Source code for CADRE.sun

''' Sun discipline for CADRE '''

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse

from openmdao.main.api import Component
from openmdao.lib.datatypes.api import Float, Array

from kinematics import computepositionrotd, computepositionrotdjacobian
from kinematics import computepositionspherical, computepositionsphericaljacobian

[docs]class Sun_LOS( Component ): '''Compute the Satellite to sun line of sight.''' def __init__(self, n=2): super(Sun_LOS, self).__init__() self.n = n self.r1 = 6378.137*0.85 # Earth's radius is 6378 km. 0.85 is the alpha in John Hwang's paper self.r2 = 6378.137 self.add('r_e2b_I', Array(np.zeros((6, n), order='F'), size=(6,n, ), dtype=np.float, units = "unitless", desc="Position and velocity vectors from " + "Earth to satellite in Earth-centered " + "inertial frame over time.", iotype="in")) self.add('r_e2s_I', Array(np.zeros((3, n), order='F'), size=(3,n, ), dtype=np.float, units="km", desc="Position vector from " + "Earth to sun in Earth-centered inertial " + "frame over time.", iotype="in")) self.add('LOS', Array(np.zeros((n, ), order='F'), size=(n, ), dtype=np.float, units="unitless", desc="Satellite to sun " + "line of sight over time", iotype="out" ))
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('r_e2b_I', 'r_e2s_I',) output_keys = ('LOS',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def execute(self): for i in range( self.n ): r_b = self.r_e2b_I[:3,i] r_s = self.r_e2s_I[:3,i] dot = r_b, r_s ) cross = np.cross( r_b, r_s ) dist = np.sqrt( ) if dot >= 0.0 : self.LOS[i] = 1.0 elif dist <= self.r1 : self.LOS[i] = 0.0 elif dist >= self.r2 : self.LOS[i] = 1.0 else : x = ( dist - self.r1 ) / ( self.r2 - self.r1 ) self.LOS[i] = 3 *x ** 2 - 2 * x**3
[docs] def provideJ(self): nj = 3*self.n Jab = np.zeros(shape=(nj,), dtype = np.float) Jib = np.zeros(shape=(nj,), dtype = Jjb = np.zeros(shape=(nj,), dtype = Jas = np.zeros(shape=(nj,), dtype = np.float) Jis = np.zeros(shape=(nj,), dtype = Jjs = np.zeros(shape=(nj,), dtype = r_b = np.zeros(shape=(3,), dtype = r_s = np.zeros(shape=(3,), dtype = Bx = np.zeros(shape=(3,3,), dtype = Sx = np.zeros(shape=(3,3,), dtype = cross = np.zeros(shape=(3,), dtype = #ddist_cross = np.zeros(shape=(3,), dtype = dcross_drb = np.zeros(shape=(3,3,), dtype = dcross_drs = np.zeros(shape=(3,3,), dtype = dLOS_dx = np.zeros(shape=(3,), dtype = dLOS_drs = np.zeros(shape=(3,), dtype = dLOS_drb = np.zeros(shape=(3,), dtype = for i in range(self.n): r_b = self.r_e2b_I[:3,i] r_s = self.r_e2s_I[:3,i] Bx = crossMatrix(r_b) Sx = crossMatrix(-r_s) dot =,r_s) cross = np.cross(r_b,r_s) dist = np.sqrt(,cross)) if dot >= 0.0 : dLOS_drb[:] = 0.0 dLOS_drs[:] = 0.0 elif dist <= self.r1 : dLOS_drb[:] = 0.0 dLOS_drs[:] = 0.0 elif dist >= self.r2 : dLOS_drb[:] = 0.0 dLOS_drs[:] = 0.0 else: x = (dist-self.r1)/(self.r2-self.r1) #LOS = 3*x**2 - 2*x**3 ddist_dcross = cross/dist dcross_drb = Sx dcross_drs = Bx dx_ddist = 1.0/(self.r2-self.r1) dLOS_dx = 6*x - 6*x**2 dLOS_drb = dLOS_dx*dx_ddist*,dcross_drb) dLOS_drs = dLOS_dx*dx_ddist*,dcross_drs) for k in range(3) : iJ = i*3 + k Jab[iJ] = dLOS_drb[k] Jib[iJ] = i Jjb[iJ] = (i)*6 + k Jas[iJ] = dLOS_drs[k] Jis[iJ] = i Jjs[iJ] = (i)*3 + k self.Jb = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((Jab,(Jib,Jjb)),shape=(self.n,6*self.n)) self.Js = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((Jas,(Jis,Jjs)),shape=(self.n,3*self.n)) self.JbT = self.Jb.transpose() self.JsT = self.Js.transpose()
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): if 'r_e2b_I' in arg: r_e2b_I = arg['r_e2b_I'][:].reshape((6*self.n),order='F') result['LOS'] += if 'r_e2s_I' in arg: r_e2s_I = arg['r_e2s_I'][:].reshape((3*self.n),order='F') result['LOS'] +=
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): if 'LOS' in arg: LOS = arg['LOS'] if 'r_e2b_I' in result: result['r_e2b_I'] +=,self.n),order='F') if 'r_e2s_I' in result: result['r_e2s_I'] +=,self.n),order='F')
[docs]def crossMatrix(v): # so m[1,0] is v[2], for example m = np.array( [ [ 0.0, -v[2], v[1] ], [ v[2], 0.0, -v[0]], [ -v[1], v[0], 0.0 ] ] ) return m
[docs]class Sun_PositionBody( Component ): '''Position vector from earth to sun in body-fixed frame''' def __init__(self, n=2): super(Sun_PositionBody, self).__init__() self.n = n self.add('O_BI', Array(np.zeros((3, 3, n), order='F'), size=(3,3,n, ), dtype=np.float, units="unitless", desc="Rotation matrix from the " + "Earth-centered inertial frame " + "to the satellite frame.", iotype="in")) self.add('r_e2s_I', Array(np.zeros((3, n), order='F'), size=(3,n, ), dtype=np.float, units="km", desc="Position vector " + "from Earth to Sun in Earth-centered " + "inertial frame over time.", iotype="in")) self.add('r_e2s_B', Array(np.zeros((3,n, ), order='F'), size=(3,n, ), dtype=np.float, iotype="out", units = "km", desc="Position vector " + "from Earth to Sun in body-fixed " + "frame over time." ))
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('O_BI', 'r_e2s_I',) output_keys = ('r_e2s_B',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def execute(self): self.r_e2s_B = computepositionrotd(self.n, self.r_e2s_I, self.O_BI)
[docs] def provideJ(self): self.J1, self.J2 = computepositionrotdjacobian(self.n, self.r_e2s_I, self.O_BI )
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): if 'O_BI' in arg: for k in range(3): for u in range(3): for v in range(3): result['r_e2s_B'][k,:] += self.J1[:,k,u,v] * arg['O_BI'][u,v,:] if 'r_e2s_I' in arg: for k in range(3): for j in range(3): result['r_e2s_B'][k,:] += self.J2[:,k,j] * arg['r_e2s_I'][j,:]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): if 'r_e2s_B' in arg: for k in range(3): if 'O_BI' in result: for u in range(3): for v in range(3): result['O_BI'][u,v,:] += self.J1[:,k,u,v] * arg['r_e2s_B'][k,:] if 'r_e2s_I' in result: for j in range(3): result['r_e2s_I'][j,:] += self.J2[:,k,j] * arg['r_e2s_B'][k,:]
[docs]class Sun_PositionECI( Component ): ''' Compute the position vector from Earth to Sun in Earth-centered inertial frame. ''' #constants d2r = np.pi/180. LD = Float(0., iotype="in", units="unitless", copy=None) def __init__(self, n=2): super(Sun_PositionECI, self).__init__() self.n = n #self.add('LD', Array(np.zeros((1,), order='F'), size=(1,), dtype=np.float, iotype="in")) self.add( 't', Array( np.zeros((n,), order='F'), size=(n,), dtype=np.float, units="s", desc="Time", iotype="in" ) ) self.add('r_e2s_I', Array(np.zeros((3,n, ), order='F'), size=(3,n, ), dtype=np.float, units="km", desc="Position vector from Earth " + "to Sun in Earth-centered inertial " + "frame over time.", iotype="out")) self.Ja = np.zeros(3*self.n) self.Ji = np.zeros(3*self.n) self.Jj = np.zeros(3*self.n)
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('LD', 't',) output_keys = ('r_e2s_I',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def execute(self): T = self.LD + self.t[:]/3600./24. for i in range(0,self.n): L = self.d2r*280.460 + self.d2r*0.9856474*T[i] g = self.d2r*357.528 + self.d2r*0.9856003*T[i] Lambda = L + self.d2r*1.914666*np.sin(g) + self.d2r*0.01999464*np.sin(2*g) eps = self.d2r*23.439 - self.d2r*3.56e-7*T[i] self.r_e2s_I[0,i] = np.cos(Lambda) self.r_e2s_I[1,i] = np.sin(Lambda)*np.cos(eps) self.r_e2s_I[2,i] = np.sin(Lambda)*np.sin(eps)
[docs] def provideJ(self): T = self.LD + self.t[:]/3600./24. dr_dt = np.empty(3) for i in range(0,self.n): L = self.d2r*280.460 + self.d2r*0.9856474*T[i] g = self.d2r*357.528 + self.d2r*0.9856003*T[i] Lambda = L + self.d2r*1.914666*np.sin(g) + self.d2r*0.01999464*np.sin(2*g) eps = self.d2r*23.439 - self.d2r*3.56e-7*T[i] dL_dt = self.d2r*0.9856474 dg_dt = self.d2r*0.9856003 dlambda_dt = dL_dt + self.d2r*1.914666*np.cos(g)*dg_dt + self.d2r*0.01999464*np.cos(2*g)*2*dg_dt deps_dt = -self.d2r*3.56e-7 dr_dt[0] = -np.sin(Lambda)*dlambda_dt dr_dt[1] = np.cos(Lambda)*np.cos(eps)*dlambda_dt - np.sin(Lambda)*np.sin(eps)*deps_dt dr_dt[2] = np.cos(Lambda)*np.sin(eps)*dlambda_dt + np.sin(Lambda)*np.cos(eps)*deps_dt for k in range(0,3): #iJ = (i-1)*3 + k #This is the original implementation, but it may not work because of index differences between fortran and python #self.Ja[iJ] = dr_dt[k] #self.Ji[iJ] = iJ - 1 #self.Jj[iJ] = i - 1 iJ = i*3 + k #This should resolve the index issues self.Ja[iJ] = dr_dt[k] self.Ji[iJ] = iJ self.Jj[iJ] = i self.J = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((self.Ja,(self.Ji,self.Jj)),shape=(3*self.n,self.n)) self.JT = self.J.transpose()
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): if 'LD' in arg and 't' in arg: result['r_e2s_I'][:] += arg['LD'] + arg['t']/3600./24. ).reshape((3,self.n),order='F')
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): if 'r_e2s_I' in arg: r_e2s_I = arg['r_e2s_I'][:].reshape((3*self.n),order='F') if 'LD' in result: result['LD'] += sum( if 't' in result: result['t'][:] +=
[docs]class Sun_PositionSpherical(Component): '''Compute the elevation angle of the Sun in the body-fixed frame.''' def __init__(self, n=2): super(Sun_PositionSpherical, self).__init__() self.n = n self.add('r_e2s_B', Array(np.zeros((3, n)), size=(3, n), units = "km", desc="Position vector from " + "Earth to Sun in body-fixed " + "frame over time.", dtype=np.float, iotype="in")) self.add('azimuth', Array(np.zeros((n,)), size=(n,), dtype=np.float, units='rad', desc='Ezimuth angle of the Sun ' + 'in the body-fixed frame over time.', iotype="out")) self.add('elevation', Array(np.zeros((n,)), size=(n,), dtype=np.float, units='rad', desc="Elevation angle of the " + "Sun in the body-fixed frame " + "over time.", iotype="out"))
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('r_e2s_B',) output_keys = ('azimuth', 'elevation',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def execute(self): azimuth, elevation = computepositionspherical(self.n, self.r_e2s_B) self.azimuth = azimuth self.elevation = elevation
[docs] def provideJ(self): self.Ja1, self.Ji1, self.Jj1, self.Ja2, self.Ji2, self.Jj2 = \ computepositionsphericaljacobian(self.n, 3*self.n, self.r_e2s_B) self.J1 = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((self.Ja1, (self.Ji1, self.Jj1)), shape=(self.n, 3*self.n)) self.J2 = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((self.Ja2, (self.Ji2, self.Jj2)), shape=(self.n, 3*self.n)) self.J1T = self.J1.transpose() self.J2T = self.J2.transpose() return
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): if 'r_e2s_B' in arg: r_e2s_B = arg['r_e2s_B'].reshape((3*self.n), order='F') result['azimuth'] += result['elevation'] +=
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): if 'azimuth' in arg and 'r_e2s_B' in result: azimuth = arg['azimuth'][:] result['r_e2s_B'][:] +=,self.n), order='F') if 'elevation' in arg and 'r_e2s_B' in result: elevation = arg['elevation'][:] result['r_e2s_B'][:] +=,self.n), order='F') return result