Source code for CADRE.orbit

''' Orbit discipline for CADRE '''

from math import sqrt

import numpy as np

from openmdao.lib.datatypes.api import Float, Array
from openmdao.main.api import Component

import rk4

# Allow non-standard variable names for scientific calc
# pylint: disable-msg=C0103

# Constants
mu = 398600.44
Re = 6378.137
J2 = 1.08264e-3
J3 = -2.51e-6
J4 = -1.60e-6

C1 = -mu
C2 = -1.5*mu*J2*Re**2
C3 = -2.5*mu*J3*Re**3
C4 = 1.875*mu*J4*Re**4

[docs]class Orbit_Dynamics(rk4.RK4): """Computes the Earth to body position vector in Earth-centered intertial frame.""" def __init__(self, n_times): super(Orbit_Dynamics, self).__init__() # Inputs self.add('r_e2b_I0',Array(np.zeros((6,)), size=(6,), iotype="in", dtype=np.float, fd_step=1e-2, units="unitless", desc="Initial position and velocity vectors from earth to satellite in Earth-centered inertial frame")) # Outputs self.add('r_e2b_I', Array(1000*np.ones((6, n_times)), size=(6, n_times), dtype=np.float, iotype="out", units="unitless", desc="Position and velocity vectors from earth to satellite in Earth-centered inertial frame over time")) self.state_var = 'r_e2b_I' self.init_state_var = 'r_e2b_I0' self.dfdx = np.zeros((6, 1))
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('r_e2b_I0',) output_keys = ('r_e2b_I',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def f_dot(self, external, state): x = state[0] y = state[1] z = state[2] if abs(state[2]) > 1e-15 else 1e-5 z2 = z*z z3 = z2*z z4 = z3*z r = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z2) r2 = r*r r3 = r2*r r4 = r3*r r5 = r4*r r7 = r5*r*r T2 = 1 - 5*z2/r2 T3 = 3*z - 7*z3/r2 T4 = 1 - 14*z2/r2 + 21*z4/r4 T3z = 3*z - 0.6*r2/z T4z = 4 - 28.0/3.0*z2/r2 f_dot = np.zeros((6,)) f_dot[0:3] = state[3:] f_dot[3:] = state[0:3]*(C1/r3 + C2/r5*T2 + C3/r7*T3 + C4/r7*T4) f_dot[5] += z*(2.0*C2/r5 + C3/r7*T3z + C4/r7*T4z) return f_dot
[docs] def df_dy(self, external, state): x = state[0] y = state[1] z = state[2] if abs(state[2]) > 1e-15 else 1e-5 z2 = z*z z3 = z2*z z4 = z3*z r = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z2) r2 = r*r r3 = r2*r r4 = r3*r r5 = r4*r r6 = r5*r r7 = r6*r r8 = r7*r drdx = x/r drdy = y/r drdz = z/r T2 = 1 - 5*z2/r2 T3 = 3*z - 7*z3/r2 T4 = 1 - 14*z2/r2 + 21*z4/r4 T3z = 3*z - 0.6*r2/z T4z = 4 - 28.0/3.0*z2/r2 dT2_dx = (10*z2)/(r3)*drdx dT2_dy = (10*z2)/(r3)*drdy dT2_dz = (10*z2)/(r3)*drdz - 10.*z/r2 dT3_dx = 14*z3/r3*drdx dT3_dy = 14*z3/r3*drdy dT3_dz = 14*z3/r3*drdz - 21.*z2/r2 + 3 dT4_dx = 28*z2/r3*drdx - 84.*z4/r5*drdx dT4_dy = 28*z2/r3*drdy - 84.*z4/r5*drdy dT4_dz = 28*z2/r3*drdz - 84.*z4/r5*drdz - 28*z/r2 + 84*z3/r4 dT3z_dx = -1.2*r/z*drdx dT3z_dy = -1.2*r/z*drdy dT3z_dz = -1.2*r/z*drdz + 0.6*r2/z2 + 3 dT4z_dx = 56.0/3.0*z2/r3*drdx dT4z_dy = 56.0/3.0*z2/r3*drdy dT4z_dz = 56.0/3.0*z2/r3*drdz - 56.0/3.0*z/r2 eye = np.identity(3) dfdy = np.zeros((6, 6)) dfdy[0:3, 3:] += eye dfdy[3:, :3] = dfdy[3:, :3] + eye*(C1/r3 + C2/r5*T2 + C3/r7*T3 + C4/r7*T4) dfdy[3:, 0] = dfdy[3:, 0] + drdx*state[:3]*(-3*C1/r4 - 5*C2/r6*T2 - 7*C3/r8*T3 - 7*C4/r8*T4) dfdy[3:, 1] = dfdy[3:, 1] + drdy*state[:3]*(-3*C1/r4 - 5*C2/r6*T2 - 7*C3/r8*T3 - 7*C4/r8*T4) dfdy[3:, 2] = dfdy[3:, 2] + drdz*state[:3]*(-3*C1/r4 - 5*C2/r6*T2 - 7*C3/r8*T3 - 7*C4/r8*T4) dfdy[3:, 0] = dfdy[3:, 0] + state[:3]*(C2/r5*dT2_dx + C3/r7*dT3_dx + C4/r7*dT4_dx) dfdy[3:, 1] = dfdy[3:, 1] + state[:3]*(C2/r5*dT2_dy + C3/r7*dT3_dy + C4/r7*dT4_dy) dfdy[3:, 2] = dfdy[3:, 2] + state[:3]*(C2/r5*dT2_dz + C3/r7*dT3_dz + C4/r7*dT4_dz) dfdy[5, 0] = dfdy[5, 0] + drdx*z*(-5*C2/r6*2 - 7*C3/r8*T3z - 7*C4/r8*T4z) dfdy[5, 1] = dfdy[5, 1] + drdy*z*(-5*C2/r6*2 - 7*C3/r8*T3z - 7*C4/r8*T4z) dfdy[5, 2] = dfdy[5, 2] + drdz*z*(-5*C2/r6*2 - 7*C3/r8*T3z - 7*C4/r8*T4z) dfdy[5, 0] = dfdy[5, 0] + z*(C3/r7*dT3z_dx + C4/r7*dT4z_dx) dfdy[5, 1] = dfdy[5, 1] + z*(C3/r7*dT3z_dy + C4/r7*dT4z_dy) dfdy[5, 2] = dfdy[5, 2] + z*(C3/r7*dT3z_dz + C4/r7*dT4z_dz) dfdy[5, 2] = dfdy[5, 2] + (C2/r5*2 + C3/r7*T3z + C4/r7*T4z) #dfdy[5, 2] = dfdy[5, 2] + (2.0*C2 + (C3*T3z + C4*T4z)/r2)/r5 #print dfdy return dfdy
[docs] def df_dx(self, external, state): return self.dfdx
[docs]class Orbit_Initial(Component): """Computes initial position and velocity vectors of Earth to body position""" # Inputs altPerigee = Float(500., iotype="in", copy=None) altApogee = Float(500., iotype="in", copy=None) RAAN = Float(66.279, iotype="in", copy=None) Inc = Float(82.072, iotype="in", copy=None) argPerigee = Float(0, iotype="in", copy=None) trueAnomaly = Float(337.987, iotype="in", copy=None) def __init__(self): super(Orbit_Initial, self).__init__() #Outputs self.add('r_e2b_I0', Array(np.ones((6,)), size=(6,), dtype=np.float, iotype='out', units="unitless", desc="Initial position and velocity vectors from Earth to satellite in Earth-centered inertial frame"))
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('altPerigee','altApogee','RAAN','Inc','argPerigee', 'trueAnomaly') output_keys = ('r_e2b_I0',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def compute(self, altPerigee, altApogee, RAAN, Inc, argPerigee, trueAnomaly): ''' Compute position and velocity from orbital elements ''' Re = 6378.137 mu = 398600.44 def S(v): S = np.zeros((3,3),complex) S[0,:] = [0, -v[2], v[1]] S[1,:] = [v[2], 0, -v[0]] S[2,:] = [-v[1], v[0], 0] return S def getRotation(axis, angle): R = np.eye(3,dtype=complex) + S(axis)*np.sin(angle) + \ (1 - np.cos(angle)) * (np.outer(axis, axis) - np.eye(3, dtype=complex)) return R d2r = np.pi/180.0 r_perigee = Re + altPerigee r_apogee = Re + altApogee e = (r_apogee-r_perigee)/(r_apogee+r_perigee) a = (r_perigee+r_apogee)/2 p = a*(1-e**2) h = np.sqrt(p*mu) rmag0 = p/(1+e*np.cos(d2r*trueAnomaly)) r0_P = np.array([rmag0*np.cos(d2r*trueAnomaly), rmag0*np.sin(d2r*trueAnomaly), 0], complex) v0_P = np.array([-np.sqrt(mu/p)*np.sin(d2r*trueAnomaly), np.sqrt(mu/p)*(e+np.cos(d2r*trueAnomaly)), 0], complex) O_IP = np.eye(3, dtype=complex) O_IP =, getRotation(np.array([0,0,1]),RAAN*d2r)) O_IP =, getRotation(np.array([1,0,0]),Inc*d2r)) O_IP =, getRotation(np.array([0,0,1]),argPerigee*d2r)) r0_ECI =, r0_P) v0_ECI =, v0_P) return r0_ECI, v0_ECI
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives, (i.e., Jacobian) """ h = 1e-16 ih = complex(0, h) v = np.zeros(6, complex) v[:] = [self.altPerigee, self.altApogee, self.RAAN, self.Inc, self.argPerigee, self.trueAnomaly] self.J = np.zeros((6,6)) for i in range(6): v[i] += ih r0_ECI, v0_ECI = self.compute(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5]) v[i] -= ih self.J[:3,i] = r0_ECI.imag/h self.J[3:,i] = v0_ECI.imag/h
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ r0_ECI, v0_ECI = self.compute(self.altPerigee, self.altApogee, self.RAAN, self.Inc, self.argPerigee, self.trueAnomaly) self.r_e2b_I0[:3] = r0_ECI.real self.r_e2b_I0[3:] = v0_ECI.real
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian """ J = self.J if 'r_e2b_I0' in result: if 'altPerigee' in arg: result['r_e2b_I0'][:3] += J[:3, 0]*arg['altPerigee'] result['r_e2b_I0'][3:] += J[3:, 0]*arg['altPerigee'] if 'altApogee' in arg: result['r_e2b_I0'][:3] += J[:3, 1]*arg['altApogee'] result['r_e2b_I0'][3:] += J[3:, 1]*arg['altApogee'] if 'RAAN' in arg: result['r_e2b_I0'][:3] += J[:3, 2]*arg['RAAN'] result['r_e2b_I0'][3:] += J[3:, 2]*arg['RAAN'] if 'Inc' in arg: result['r_e2b_I0'][:3] += J[:3, 3]*arg['Inc'] result['r_e2b_I0'][3:] += J[3:, 3]*arg['Inc'] if 'argPerigee' in arg: result['r_e2b_I0'][:3] += J[:3, 4]*arg['argPerigee'] result['r_e2b_I0'][3:] += J[3:, 4]*arg['argPerigee'] if 'trueAnomaly' in arg: result['r_e2b_I0'][:3] += J[:3, 5]*arg['trueAnomaly'] result['r_e2b_I0'][3:] += J[3:, 5]*arg['trueAnomaly']
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian """ J = self.J if 'r_e2b_I0' in arg: r_e2b_I0 = arg['r_e2b_I0'] r_e2b_I0_0 = r_e2b_I0[:3] r_e2b_I0_3 = r_e2b_I0[3:] if 'altPerigee' in result: result['altPerigee'] += sum(J[:3, 0]*r_e2b_I0_0) + \ sum(J[3:, 0]*r_e2b_I0_3) if 'altApogee' in result: result['altApogee'] += sum(J[:3, 1]*r_e2b_I0_0) + \ sum(J[3:, 1]*r_e2b_I0_3) if 'RAAN' in result: result['RAAN'] += sum(J[:3, 2]*r_e2b_I0_0) + \ sum(J[3:, 2]*r_e2b_I0_3) if 'Inc' in result: result['Inc'] += sum(J[:3, 3]*r_e2b_I0_0) + \ sum(J[3:, 3]*r_e2b_I0_3) if 'argPerigee' in result: result['argPerigee'] += sum(J[:3, 4]*r_e2b_I0_0) + \ sum(J[3:, 4]*r_e2b_I0_3) if 'trueAnomaly' in result: result['trueAnomaly'] += sum(J[:3, 5]*r_e2b_I0_0) + \ sum(J[3:, 5]*r_e2b_I0_3)