Source code for CADRE.comm

''' Communications Discpline for CADRE '''

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import MBI
import os
from openmdao.lib.datatypes.api import Float, Array
from openmdao.main.api import Component

from CADRE.kinematics import fixangles, computepositionspherical, \
    computepositionsphericaljacobian, computepositionrotd,\

import rk4

# Allow non-standard variable names for scientific calc
# pylint: disable-msg=C0103

[docs]class Comm_DataDownloaded(rk4.RK4): """ Integrate the incoming data rate to compute the time history of data downloaded from the satelite.""" def __init__(self, n_times): super(Comm_DataDownloaded, self).__init__() # Inputs self.add( 'Dr', Array( np.zeros(n_times), iotype='in', shape=(n_times,), units="Gibyte/s", desc="Download rate over time" ) ) # Initial State self.add( 'Data0', Array( [0.0], iotype='in', shape=(1,), units="Gibyte", desc="Initial downloaded data state" ) ) # States self.add( 'Data', Array( np.zeros((1, n_times)), iotype='out', shape=(1, n_times), units="Gibyte", desc="Downloaded data state over time" ) ) self.state_var = "Data" self.init_state_var = "Data0" self.external_vars = ["Dr"] self.dfdy = np.array([[0.]]) self.dfdx = np.array([[1.]])
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('Data0', 'Dr',) output_keys = ('Data',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def f_dot(self, external, state): return external[0]
[docs] def df_dy(self, external, state): return self.dfdy
[docs] def df_dx(self, external, state): return self.dfdx
[docs]class Comm_AntRotation(Component): ''' Fixed antenna angle to time history of the quaternion. ''' # Inputs antAngle = Float(0., iotype="in", copy=None) def __init__(self, n): super(Comm_AntRotation, self).__init__() # Outputs self.add( 'q_A', Array( np.zeros((4, n)), iotype='out', shape=(4, n), units="unitless", desc="Quarternion matrix in antenna angle frame over time" ) ) self.dq_dt = np.zeros(4)
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('q_A',) output_keys = ('antAngle',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives. (i.e., Jacobian) """ rt2 = np.sqrt(2) self.dq_dt[0] = - np.sin(self.antAngle / 2.) / 2. self.dq_dt[1] = np.cos(self.antAngle / 2.) / rt2 / 2. self.dq_dt[2] = - np.cos(self.antAngle / 2.) / rt2 / 2. self.dq_dt[3] = 0.0
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ rt2 = np.sqrt(2) self.q_A[0, :] = np.cos(self.antAngle/2.) self.q_A[1, :] = np.sin(self.antAngle/2.) / rt2 self.q_A[2, :] = - np.sin(self.antAngle/2.) / rt2 self.q_A[3, :] = 0.0
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'antAngle' in arg and 'q_A' in result: for k in xrange(4): result['q_A'][k, :] += self.dq_dt[k] * arg['antAngle']
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'q_A' in arg and 'antAngle' in result: for k in xrange(4): result['antAngle'] += self.dq_dt[k] * np.sum(arg['q_A'][k, :])
[docs]class Comm_AntRotationMtx(Component): """ Translate antenna angle into the body frame. """ def __init__(self, n): super(Comm_AntRotationMtx, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add( 'q_A', Array( np.zeros((4, self.n)), iotype='in', shape=(4, self.n), desc="Quarternion matrix in antenna angle frame over time" ) ) # Outputs self.add( 'O_AB', Array( np.zeros((3, 3, self.n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, 3, self.n), units="unitless", desc="Rotation matrix from antenna angle to body-fixed frame over time" ) ) self.J = np.empty((self.n, 3, 3, 4))
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('q_A',) output_keys = ('O_AB',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives. (i.e., Jacobian) """ A = np.zeros((4, 3)) B = np.zeros((4, 3)) dA_dq = np.zeros((4, 3, 4)) dB_dq = np.zeros((4, 3, 4)) dA_dq[0, :, 0] = (1, 0, 0) dA_dq[1, :, 0] = (0, 1, 0) dA_dq[2, :, 0] = (0, 0, 1) dA_dq[3, :, 0] = (0, 0, 0) dA_dq[0, :, 1] = (0, 0, 0) dA_dq[1, :, 1] = (0, 0, -1) dA_dq[2, :, 1] = (0, 1, 0) dA_dq[3, :, 1] = (1, 0, 0) dA_dq[0, :, 2] = (0, 0, 1) dA_dq[1, :, 2] = (0, 0, 0) dA_dq[2, :, 2] = (-1, 0, 0) dA_dq[3, :, 2] = (0, 1, 0) dA_dq[0, :, 3] = (0, -1, 0) dA_dq[1, :, 3] = (1, 0, 0) dA_dq[2, :, 3] = (0, 0, 0) dA_dq[3, :, 3] = (0, 0, 1) dB_dq[0, :, 0] = (1, 0, 0) dB_dq[1, :, 0] = (0, 1, 0) dB_dq[2, :, 0] = (0, 0, 1) dB_dq[3, :, 0] = (0, 0, 0) dB_dq[0, :, 1] = (0, 0, 0) dB_dq[1, :, 1] = (0, 0, 1) dB_dq[2, :, 1] = (0, -1, 0) dB_dq[3, :, 1] = (1, 0, 0) dB_dq[0, :, 2] = (0, 0, -1) dB_dq[1, :, 2] = (0, 0, 0) dB_dq[2, :, 2] = (1, 0, 0) dB_dq[3, :, 2] = (0, 1, 0) dB_dq[0, :, 3] = (0, 1, 0) dB_dq[1, :, 3] = (-1, 0, 0) dB_dq[2, :, 3] = (0, 0, 0) dB_dq[3, :, 3] = (0, 0, 1) for i in range(0, self.n): A[0, :] = ( self.q_A[0, i], -self.q_A[3, i], self.q_A[2, i]) A[1, :] = ( self.q_A[3, i], self.q_A[0, i], -self.q_A[1, i]) A[2, :] = (-self.q_A[2, i], self.q_A[1, i], self.q_A[0, i]) A[3, :] = ( self.q_A[1, i], self.q_A[2, i], self.q_A[3, i]) B[0, :] = ( self.q_A[0, i], self.q_A[3, i], -self.q_A[2, i]) B[1, :] = (-self.q_A[3, i], self.q_A[0, i], self.q_A[1, i]) B[2, :] = ( self.q_A[2, i], -self.q_A[1, i], self.q_A[0, i]) B[3, :] = ( self.q_A[1, i], self.q_A[2, i], self.q_A[3, i]) for k in range(0, 4): self.J[i, :,:, k] =[:,:, k].T, B) + \, dB_dq[:, :, k])
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ A = np.zeros((4, 3)) B = np.zeros((4, 3)) for i in range(0, self.n): A[0, :] = ( self.q_A[0, i], -self.q_A[3, i], self.q_A[2, i]) A[1, :] = ( self.q_A[3, i], self.q_A[0, i], -self.q_A[1, i]) A[2, :] = (-self.q_A[2, i], self.q_A[1, i], self.q_A[0, i]) A[3, :] = ( self.q_A[1, i], self.q_A[2, i], self.q_A[3, i]) B[0, :] = ( self.q_A[0, i], self.q_A[3, i], -self.q_A[2, i]) B[1, :] = (-self.q_A[3, i], self.q_A[0, i], self.q_A[1, i]) B[2, :] = ( self.q_A[2, i], -self.q_A[1, i], self.q_A[0, i]) B[3, :] = ( self.q_A[1, i], self.q_A[2, i], self.q_A[3, i]) self.O_AB[:, :, i] =, B)
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'q_A' in arg and 'O_AB' in result: for u in xrange(3): for v in xrange(3): for k in xrange(4): result['O_AB'][u, v, :] += \ self.J[:, u, v, k] * arg['q_A'][k, :]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'O_AB' in arg and 'q_A' in result: for u in range(3): for v in range(3): for k in range(4): result['q_A'][k, :] += self.J[:, u, v, k] * \ arg['O_AB'][u, v, :]
[docs]class Comm_BitRate(Component): ''' Compute the data rate the satellite receives. ''' # constants pi = 2 * np.arccos(0.) c = 299792458 Gr = 10 ** (12.9 / 10.) Ll = 10 ** (-2.0 / 10.) f = 437e6 k = 1.3806503e-23 SNR = 10 ** (5.0 / 10.) T = 500. alpha = c ** 2 * Gr * Ll / 16.0 / pi ** 2 / f ** 2 / k / SNR / T / 1e6 def __init__(self, n): super(Comm_BitRate, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add( 'P_comm', Array( np.zeros(self.n), iotype='in', shape=(self.n, ), units="W", desc="Communication power over time" ) ) self.add( 'gain', Array( np.zeros(self.n), iotype='in', shape=(self.n, ), units="unitless", desc="Transmitter gain over time" ) ) self.add( 'GSdist', Array( np.zeros(self.n), iotype='in', shape=(self.n, ), units="km", desc="Distance from ground station to satellite over time" ) ) self.add( 'CommLOS', Array( np.zeros(self.n), iotype='in', shape=(self.n, ), units="unitless", desc="Satellite to ground station line of sight over time" ) ) # Outputs self.add( 'Dr', Array( np.zeros(self.n), iotype='out', shape=(self.n, ), units="Gibyte/s", desc="Download rate over time" ) )
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('P_comm', 'gain', 'GSdist', 'CommLOS',) output_keys = ('Dr',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives. (i.e., Jacobian) """ S2 = 0. self.dD_dP = np.zeros(self.n) self.dD_dGt = np.zeros(self.n) self.dD_dS = np.zeros(self.n) self.dD_dLOS = np.zeros(self.n) for i in range(0, self.n): if np.abs(self.GSdist[i]) > 1e-10: S2 = self.GSdist[i] * 1e3 else: S2 = 1e-10 self.dD_dP[i] = self.alpha * self.gain[i] * \ self.CommLOS[i] / S2 ** 2 self.dD_dGt[i] = self.alpha * self.P_comm[i] * \ self.CommLOS[i] / S2 ** 2 self.dD_dS[i] = -2.0 * 1e3 * self.alpha * self.P_comm[i] * \ self.gain[i] * self.CommLOS[i] / S2 ** 3 self.dD_dLOS[i] = self.alpha * \ self.P_comm[i] * self.gain[i] / S2 ** 2
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ for i in range(0, self.n): if np.abs(self.GSdist[i]) > 1e-10: S2 = self.GSdist[i] * 1e3 else: S2 = 1e-10 self.Dr[i] = self.alpha * self.P_comm[i] * self.gain[i] * \ self.CommLOS[i] / S2 ** 2
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'Dr' in result: if 'P_comm' in arg: result['Dr'] += self.dD_dP * arg['P_comm'] if 'gain' in arg: result['Dr'] += self.dD_dGt * arg['gain'] if 'GSdist' in arg: result['Dr'] += self.dD_dS * arg['GSdist'] if 'CommLOS' in arg: result['Dr'] += self.dD_dLOS * arg['CommLOS']
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'Dr' in arg: if 'P_comm' in result: result['P_comm'] += self.dD_dP.T * arg['Dr'] if 'gain' in result: result['gain'] += self.dD_dGt.T * arg['Dr'] if 'GSdist' in result: result['GSdist'] += self.dD_dS.T * arg['Dr'] if 'CommLOS' in result: result['CommLOS'] += self.dD_dLOS.T * arg['Dr']
[docs]class Comm_Distance(Component): '''Calculates distance from ground station to satellitle.''' def __init__(self, n): super(Comm_Distance, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add( 'r_b2g_A', Array( np.zeros((3, self.n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, self.n), units="km", desc="Position vector from satellite to ground station in antenna angle frame over time" ) ) # Outputs self.add( 'GSdist', Array( np.zeros(self.n), iotype='out', shape=(self.n,), units="km", desc="Distance from ground station to satellite over time" ) )
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('r_b2g_A',) output_keys = ('GSdist',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives (i.e., Jacobian). """ self.J = np.zeros((self.n, 3)) for i in range(0, self.n): norm =[:, i], self.r_b2g_A[:, i]) ** 0.5 if norm > 1e-10: self.J[i, :] = self.r_b2g_A[:, i] / norm else: self.J[i, :] = 0.
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ for i in range(0, self.n): self.GSdist[i] = self.r_b2g_A[:, i], self.r_b2g_A[:, i]) ** 0.5
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'r_b2g_A' in arg and 'GSdist' in result: for k in xrange(3): result['GSdist'] += self.J[:, k] * arg['r_b2g_A'][k, :]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'GSdist' in arg and 'r_b2g_A' in result: for k in xrange(3): result['r_b2g_A'][k, :] += self.J[:, k] * arg['GSdist']
[docs]class Comm_EarthsSpin(Component): ''' Returns the Earth quaternion as a function of time. ''' def __init__(self, n): super(Comm_EarthsSpin, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add('t', Array(np.zeros(self.n), iotype='in', shape=(self.n, ), units="s", desc="Time")) # Outputs self.add('q_E', Array( np.zeros((4, self.n)), iotype='out', shape=(4, self.n), units="unitless", desc="Quarternion matrix in Earth-fixed frame over time" ) )
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('t',) output_keys = ('q_E',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives (i.e., Jacobian). """ ntime = self.n self.dq_dt = np.zeros((ntime, 4)) fact = np.pi / 3600.0 / 24.0 theta = fact * self.t self.dq_dt[:, 0] = -np.sin(theta) * fact self.dq_dt[:, 3] = -np.cos(theta) * fact
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ fact = np.pi / 3600.0 / 24.0 theta = fact * self.t self.q_E[0, :] = np.cos(theta) self.q_E[3, :] = -np.sin(theta)
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 't' in arg and 'q_E' in result: for k in range(4): result['q_E'][k, :] += self.dq_dt[:, k] * arg['t']
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'q_E' in arg and 't' in result: for k in range(4): result['t'] += self.dq_dt[:, k] * arg['q_E'][k, :]
[docs]class Comm_EarthsSpinMtx(Component): ''' Quaternion to rotation matrix for the earth spin. ''' def __init__(self, n): super(Comm_EarthsSpinMtx, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add( 'q_E', Array( np.zeros((4, self.n)), iotype='in', shape=(4, self.n), units="unitless", desc="Quarternion matrix in Earth-fixed frame over time" ) ) # Outputs self.add( 'O_IE', Array( np.zeros((3, 3, self.n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, 3, self.n), units="unitless", desc="Rotation matrix from Earth-centered inertial frame to Earth-fixed frame over time" ) )
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('q_E',) output_keys = ('O_IE',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives. (i.e., Jacobian) """ A = np.zeros((4, 3)) B = np.zeros((4, 3)) dA_dq = np.zeros((4, 3, 4)) dB_dq = np.zeros((4, 3, 4)) self.J = np.zeros((self.n, 3, 3, 4)) dA_dq[0, :, 0] = (1, 0, 0) dA_dq[1, :, 0] = (0, 1, 0) dA_dq[2, :, 0] = (0, 0, 1) dA_dq[3, :, 0] = (0, 0, 0) dA_dq[0, :, 1] = (0, 0, 0) dA_dq[1, :, 1] = (0, 0, -1) dA_dq[2, :, 1] = (0, 1, 0) dA_dq[3, :, 1] = (1, 0, 0) dA_dq[0, :, 2] = (0, 0, 1) dA_dq[1, :, 2] = (0, 0, 0) dA_dq[2, :, 2] = (-1, 0, 0) dA_dq[3, :, 2] = (0, 1, 0) dA_dq[0, :, 3] = (0, -1, 0) dA_dq[1, :, 3] = (1, 0, 0) dA_dq[2, :, 3] = (0, 0, 0) dA_dq[3, :, 3] = (0, 0, 1) dB_dq[0, :, 0] = (1, 0, 0) dB_dq[1, :, 0] = (0, 1, 0) dB_dq[2, :, 0] = (0, 0, 1) dB_dq[3, :, 0] = (0, 0, 0) dB_dq[0, :, 1] = (0, 0, 0) dB_dq[1, :, 1] = (0, 0, 1) dB_dq[2, :, 1] = (0, -1, 0) dB_dq[3, :, 1] = (1, 0, 0) dB_dq[0, :, 2] = (0, 0, -1) dB_dq[1, :, 2] = (0, 0, 0) dB_dq[2, :, 2] = (1, 0, 0) dB_dq[3, :, 2] = (0, 1, 0) dB_dq[0, :, 3] = (0, 1, 0) dB_dq[1, :, 3] = (-1, 0, 0) dB_dq[2, :, 3] = (0, 0, 0) dB_dq[3, :, 3] = (0, 0, 1) for i in range(0, self.n): A[0, :] = ( self.q_E[0, i], -self.q_E[3, i], self.q_E[2, i]) A[1, :] = ( self.q_E[3, i], self.q_E[0, i], -self.q_E[1, i]) A[2, :] = (-self.q_E[2, i], self.q_E[1, i], self.q_E[0, i]) A[3, :] = ( self.q_E[1, i], self.q_E[2, i], self.q_E[3, i]) B[0, :] = ( self.q_E[0, i], self.q_E[3, i], -self.q_E[2, i]) B[1, :] = (-self.q_E[3, i], self.q_E[0, i], self.q_E[1, i]) B[2, :] = ( self.q_E[2, i], -self.q_E[1, i], self.q_E[0, i]) B[3, :] = ( self.q_E[1, i], self.q_E[2, i], self.q_E[3, i]) for k in range(0, 4): self.J[i, :,:, k] =[:,:, k].T, B) + \, dB_dq[:, :, k])
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ A = np.zeros((4, 3)) B = np.zeros((4, 3)) for i in range(0, self.n): A[0, :] = ( self.q_E[0, i], -self.q_E[3, i], self.q_E[2, i]) A[1, :] = ( self.q_E[3, i], self.q_E[0, i], -self.q_E[1, i]) A[2, :] = (-self.q_E[2, i], self.q_E[1, i], self.q_E[0, i]) A[3, :] = ( self.q_E[1, i], self.q_E[2, i], self.q_E[3, i]) B[0, :] = ( self.q_E[0, i], self.q_E[3, i], -self.q_E[2, i]) B[1, :] = (-self.q_E[3, i], self.q_E[0, i], self.q_E[1, i]) B[2, :] = ( self.q_E[2, i], -self.q_E[1, i], self.q_E[0, i]) B[3, :] = ( self.q_E[1, i], self.q_E[2, i], self.q_E[3, i]) self.O_IE[:, :, i] =, B)
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'q_E' in arg and 'O_IE' in result: for u in range(3): for v in range(3): for k in range(4): result['O_IE'][u, v, :] += self.J[:, u, v, k] * \ arg['q_E'][k, :]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'O_IE' in arg and 'q_E' in result: for u in range(3): for v in range(3): for k in range(4): result['q_E'][k, :] += self.J[:, u, v, k] * \ arg['O_IE'][u, v, :]
[docs]class Comm_GainPattern(Component): ''' Determines transmitter gain based on an external az-el map. ''' def __init__(self, n, rawG=None): super(Comm_GainPattern, self).__init__() self.n = n if rawG is None: fpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) rawGdata = np.genfromtxt(fpath + '/data/Comm/Gain.txt') rawG = (10 ** (rawGdata / 10.0)).reshape((361, 361), order='F') # Inputs self.add( 'azimuthGS', Array( np.zeros(n), iotype='in', shape=(n,), units="rad", desc="Azimuth angle from satellite to ground station in Earth-fixed frame over time" ) ) self.add( 'elevationGS', Array( np.zeros(n), iotype='in', shape=(self.n,), units="rad", desc="Elevation angle from satellite to ground station in Earth-fixed frame over time" ) ) # Outputs self.add('gain', Array(np.zeros(n), iotype='out', shape=(n,), units="unitless", desc="Transmitter gain over time")) pi = np.pi az = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, 361) el = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, 361) self.MBI = MBI.MBI(rawG, [az, el], [15, 15], [4, 4]) self.x = np.zeros((self.n, 2), order='F')
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('azimuthGS', 'elevationGS',) output_keys = ('gain',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives. (i.e., Jacobian) """ self.dg_daz = self.MBI.evaluate(self.x, 1)[:, 0] self.dg_del = self.MBI.evaluate(self.x, 2)[:, 0]
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ result = fixangles(self.n, self.azimuthGS, self.elevationGS) self.x[:, 0] = result[0] self.x[:, 1] = result[1] self.gain = self.MBI.evaluate(self.x)[:, 0]
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'azimuthGS' in arg and 'gain' in result: result['gain'] += self.dg_daz * arg['azimuthGS'] if 'elevationGS' in arg and 'gain' in result: result['gain'] += self.dg_del * arg['elevationGS']
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'azimuthGS' in result and 'gain' in arg: result['azimuthGS'] += self.dg_daz * arg['gain'] if 'elevationGS' in result and 'gain' in arg: result['elevationGS'] += self.dg_del * arg['gain']
[docs]class Comm_GSposEarth(Component): ''' Returns position of the ground station in Earth frame. ''' # constants Re = 6378.137 d2r = np.pi / 180. # Inputs lon = Float(0.0, iotype="in", units="rad", desc="Longitude of ground station in Earth-fixed frame") lat = Float(0.0, iotype="in", units="rad", desc="Latitude of ground station in Earth-fixed frame") alt = Float(0.0, iotype="in", units="rad", desc="Altitude of ground station in Earth-fixed frame") def __init__(self, n): super(Comm_GSposEarth, self).__init__() self.n = n # Outputs self.add( 'r_e2g_E', Array( np.zeros((3, self.n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, self.n), units="km", desc="Position vector from earth to ground station in Earth-fixed frame over time" ) )
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('lon', 'lat','alt',) output_keys = ('r_e2g_E',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives (i.e., Jacobian). """ self.dr_dlon = np.zeros(3) self.dr_dlat = np.zeros(3) self.dr_dalt = np.zeros(3) cos_lat = np.cos(self.d2r * sin_lat = np.sin(self.d2r * cos_lon = np.cos(self.d2r * self.lon) sin_lon = np.sin(self.d2r * self.lon) r_GS = (self.Re + self.alt) self.dr_dlon[0] = -self.d2r * r_GS * cos_lat * sin_lon self.dr_dlat[0] = -self.d2r * r_GS * sin_lat * cos_lon self.dr_dalt[0] = cos_lat * cos_lon self.dr_dlon[1] = self.d2r * r_GS * cos_lat * cos_lon self.dr_dlat[1] = -self.d2r * r_GS * sin_lat * sin_lon self.dr_dalt[1] = cos_lat * sin_lon self.dr_dlon[2] = 0. self.dr_dlat[2] = self.d2r * r_GS * cos_lat self.dr_dalt[2] = sin_lat
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ cos_lat = np.cos(self.d2r * r_GS = (self.Re + self.alt) self.r_e2g_E[0, :] = r_GS * cos_lat * np.cos(self.d2r*self.lon) self.r_e2g_E[1, :] = r_GS * cos_lat * np.sin(self.d2r*self.lon) self.r_e2g_E[2, :] = r_GS * np.sin(self.d2r*
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'lon' in arg: for k in xrange(3): result['r_e2g_E'][k, :] += self.dr_dlon[k] * arg['lon'] if 'lat' in arg: for k in xrange(3): result['r_e2g_E'][k, :] += self.dr_dlat[k] * arg['lat'] if 'alt' in arg: for k in xrange(3): result['r_e2g_E'][k, :] += self.dr_dalt[k] * arg['alt']
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'r_e2g_E' in arg: for k in xrange(3): if 'lon' in result: result['lon'] += self.dr_dlon[k] * np.sum(arg['r_e2g_E'][k, :]) if 'lat' in result: result['lat'] += self.dr_dlat[k] * np.sum(arg['r_e2g_E'][k, :]) if 'alt' in result: result['alt'] += self.dr_dalt[k] * np.sum(arg['r_e2g_E'][k, :])
[docs]class Comm_GSposECI(Component): ''' Convert time history of ground station position from earth frame to inertial frame. ''' def __init__(self, n): super(Comm_GSposECI, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add( 'O_IE', Array( np.zeros((3, 3, self.n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, 3, self.n), units="unitless", desc="Rotation matrix from Earth-centered inertial frame to Earth-fixed frame over time" ) ) self.add( 'r_e2g_E', Array( np.zeros((3, self.n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, self.n), units="km", desc="Position vector from earth to ground station in Earth-fixed frame over time" ) ) # Outputs self.add( 'r_e2g_I', Array( np.zeros((3, self.n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, self.n), units="km", desc="Position vector from earth to ground station in Earth-centered inertial frame over time" ) )
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('O_IE', 'r_e2g_E',) output_keys = ('r_e2g_I',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives (i.e., Jacobian). """ self.J1 = np.zeros((self.n, 3, 3, 3)) for k in range(0, 3): for v in range(0, 3): self.J1[:, k, k, v] = self.r_e2g_E[v, :] self.J2 = np.transpose(self.O_IE, (2, 0, 1))
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ for i in range(0, self.n): self.r_e2g_I[:, i] =[:, :, i], self.r_e2g_E[:, i])
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'r_e2g_I' in result: for k in xrange(3): for u in xrange(3): if 'O_IE' in arg: for v in xrange(3): result['r_e2g_I'][k, :] += self.J1[:, k, u, v] * \ arg['O_IE'][u, v, :] if 'r_e2g_E' in arg: result['r_e2g_I'][k, :] += self.J2[:, k, u] * \ arg['r_e2g_E'][u, :]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'r_e2g_I' in arg: for k in xrange(3): if 'O_IE' in result: for u in xrange(3): for v in xrange(3): result['O_IE'][u, v, :] += self.J1[:, k, u, v] * \ arg['r_e2g_I'][k, :] if 'r_e2g_E' in result: for j in xrange(3): result['r_e2g_E'][j, :] += self.J2[:, k, j] * \ arg['r_e2g_I'][k, :]
[docs]class Comm_LOS(Component): ''' Determines if the Satellite has line of sight with the ground stations. ''' # constants Re = 6378.137 def __init__(self, n): super(Comm_LOS, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add( 'r_b2g_I', Array( np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, self.n), units="km", desc="Position vector from satellite to ground station in Earth-centered inertial frame over time" ) ) self.add( 'r_e2g_I', Array( np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, self.n), units="km", desc="Position vector from earth to ground station in Earth-centered inertial frame over time" ) ) # Outputs self.add( 'CommLOS', Array( np.zeros(n), iotype='out', shape=(self.n, ), units="unitless", desc="Satellite to ground station line of sight over time" ) )
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('r_b2g_I', 'r_e2g_I',) output_keys = ('CommLOS',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives (i.e., Jacobian). """ self.dLOS_drb = np.zeros((self.n, 3)) self.dLOS_dre = np.zeros((self.n, 3)) Rb = 10.0 for i in range(0, self.n): proj =[:, i], self.r_e2g_I[:, i]) / self.Re if proj > 0: self.dLOS_drb[i, :] = 0. self.dLOS_dre[i, :] = 0. elif proj < -Rb: self.dLOS_drb[i, :] = 0. self.dLOS_dre[i, :] = 0. else: x = (proj - 0) / (-Rb - 0) dx_dproj = -1. / Rb dLOS_dx = 6 * x - 6 * x ** 2 dproj_drb = self.r_e2g_I[:, i] dproj_dre = self.r_b2g_I[:, i] self.dLOS_drb[i, :] = dLOS_dx * dx_dproj * dproj_drb self.dLOS_dre[i, :] = dLOS_dx * dx_dproj * dproj_dre
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ Rb = 100.0 for i in range(0, self.n): proj =[:, i], self.r_e2g_I[:, i]) / self.Re if proj > 0: self.CommLOS[i] = 0. elif proj < -Rb: self.CommLOS[i] = 1. else: x = (proj - 0) / (-Rb - 0) self.CommLOS[i] = 3 * x ** 2 - 2 * x ** 3
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'CommLOS' in result: for k in xrange(3): if 'r_b2g_I' in arg: result['CommLOS'] += self.dLOS_drb[:, k] * arg['r_b2g_I'][k, :] if 'r_e2g_I' in arg: result['CommLOS'] += self.dLOS_dre[:, k] * arg['r_e2g_I'][k, :]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'CommLOS' in arg: for k in xrange(3): if 'r_b2g_I' in result: result['r_b2g_I'][k, :] += self.dLOS_drb[:, k] * arg['CommLOS'] if 'r_e2g_I' in result: result['r_e2g_I'][k, :] += self.dLOS_dre[:, k] * arg['CommLOS']
[docs]class Comm_VectorAnt(Component): '''Transform from antenna to body frame''' def __init__(self, n): super(Comm_VectorAnt, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add( 'r_b2g_B', Array( np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, n), units="km", desc="Position vector from satellite to ground station in body-fixed frame over time" ) ) self.add( 'O_AB', Array( np.zeros((3, 3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, 3, n), units="unitless", desc="Rotation matrix from antenna angle to body-fixed frame over time" ) ) # Outputs self.add( 'r_b2g_A', Array( np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, n), units="km", desc="Position vector from satellite to ground station in antenna angle frame over time" ) )
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('r_b2g_B', 'O_AB',) output_keys = ('r_b2g_A',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives (i.e., Jacobian). """ self.J1, self.J2 = computepositionrotdjacobian(self.n, self.r_b2g_B, self.O_AB)
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ self.r_b2g_A = computepositionrotd(self.n, self.r_b2g_B, self.O_AB)
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'r_b2g_A' in result: for k in xrange(3): if 'O_AB' in arg: for u in xrange(3): for v in xrange(3): result['r_b2g_A'][k, :] += self.J1[:, k, u, v] * \ arg['O_AB'][u, v, :] if 'r_b2g_B' in arg: for j in xrange(3): result['r_b2g_A'][k, :] += self.J2[:, k, j] * \ arg['r_b2g_B'][j, :]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'r_b2g_A' in arg: for k in xrange(3): if 'O_AB' in result: for u in xrange(3): for v in xrange(3): result['O_AB'][u, v, :] += self.J1[:, k, u, v] * \ arg['r_b2g_A'][k, :] if 'r_b2g_B' in result: for j in xrange(3): result['r_b2g_B'][j, :] += self.J2[:, k, j] * \ arg['r_b2g_A'][k, :]
[docs]class Comm_VectorBody(Component): '''Transform from body to inertial frame.''' def __init__(self, n): super(Comm_VectorBody, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add( 'r_b2g_I', Array( np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, n), units="km", desc="Position vector from satellite to ground station in Earth-centered inertial frame over time" ) ) self.add( 'O_BI', Array( np.zeros((3, 3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, 3, n), units="unitless", desc="Rotation matrix from body-fixed frame to Earth-centered inertial frame over time" ) ) # Outputs self.add( 'r_b2g_B', Array( np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, n), units="km", desc="Position vector from satellite to ground station in body-fixed frame over time" ) )
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('r_b2g_I', 'O_BI',) output_keys = ('r_b2g_B',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives (i.e., Jacobian). """ self.J1 = np.zeros((self.n, 3, 3, 3)) for k in range(0, 3): for v in range(0, 3): self.J1[:, k, k, v] = self.r_b2g_I[v, :] self.J2 = np.transpose(self.O_BI, (2, 0, 1))
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ for i in range(0, self.n): self.r_b2g_B[:, i] =[:, :, i], self.r_b2g_I[:, i])
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'r_b2g_B' in result: for k in range(3): if 'O_BI' in arg: for u in range(3): for v in range(3): result['r_b2g_B'][k, :] += self.J1[:, k, u, v] * \ arg['O_BI'][u, v, :] if 'r_b2g_I' in arg: for j in range(3): result['r_b2g_B'][k, :] += self.J2[:, k, j] * \ arg['r_b2g_I'][j, :]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'r_b2g_B' in arg: for k in range(3): if 'O_BI' in result: for u in range(3): for v in range(3): result['O_BI'][u, v, :] += self.J1[:, k, u, v] * \ arg['r_b2g_B'][k, :] if 'r_b2g_I' in result: for j in range(3): result['r_b2g_I'][j, :] += self.J2[:, k, j] * \ arg['r_b2g_B'][k, :]
[docs]class Comm_VectorECI(Component): '''Determine vector between satellite and ground station.''' def __init__(self, n): super(Comm_VectorECI, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add( 'r_e2g_I', Array( np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, n), units="km", desc="Position vector from earth to ground station in Earth-centered inertial frame over time" ) ) self.add( 'r_e2b_I', Array( np.zeros((6, n)), iotype='in', shape=(6, n), units="unitless", desc="Position and velocity vector from earth to satellite in Earth-centered inertial frame over time" ) ) # Outputs self.add( 'r_b2g_I', Array( np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, n), units="km", desc="Position vector from satellite to ground station in Earth-centered inertial frame over time" ) )
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('r_e2g_I', 'r_e2b_I',) output_keys = ('r_b2g_I',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives (i.e., Jacobian). """ # Derivatives are simple return
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ self.r_b2g_I = self.r_e2g_I - self.r_e2b_I[:3, :]
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'r_e2g_I' in arg: result['r_b2g_I'] += arg['r_e2g_I'] if 'r_e2b_I' in arg: result['r_b2g_I'] += -arg['r_e2b_I'][:3, :]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'r_b2g_I' in arg: if 'r_e2g_I' in result: result['r_e2g_I'] += arg['r_b2g_I'] if 'r_e2b_I' in result: result['r_e2b_I'][:3, :] += -arg['r_b2g_I']
[docs]class Comm_VectorSpherical(Component): '''Convert satellite-ground vector into Az-El.''' def __init__(self, n): super(Comm_VectorSpherical, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add( 'r_b2g_A', Array( np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, self.n), units="km", desc="Position vector from satellite to ground station in antenna angle frame over time" ) ) # Outputs self.add( 'azimuthGS', Array( np.zeros(n), iotype='out', shape=(n,), units="rad", desc="Azimuth angle from satellite to ground station in Earth-fixed frame over time" ) ) self.add( 'elevationGS', Array( np.zeros(n), iotype='out', shape=(n,), units="rad", desc="Elevation angle from satellite to ground station in Earth-fixed frame over time" ) )
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('r_b2g_A',) output_keys = ('azimuthGS','elevationGS',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives (i.e., Jacobian). """ self.Ja1, self.Ji1, self.Jj1, self.Ja2, self.Ji2, self.Jj2 = \ computepositionsphericaljacobian(self.n, 3 * self.n, self.r_b2g_A) self.J1 = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((self.Ja1, (self.Ji1, self.Jj1)), shape=(self.n, 3 * self.n)) self.J2 = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((self.Ja2, (self.Ji2, self.Jj2)), shape=(self.n, 3 * self.n)) self.J1T = self.J1.transpose() self.J2T = self.J2.transpose()
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ azimuthGS, elevationGS = computepositionspherical(self.n, self.r_b2g_A) self.azimuthGS = azimuthGS self.elevationGS = elevationGS
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'r_b2g_A' in arg: r_b2g_A = arg['r_b2g_A'].reshape((3 * self.n), order='F') if 'azimuthGS' in result: result['azimuthGS'] += if 'elevationGS' in result: result['elevationGS'] +=
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'azimuthGS' in arg: az_GS = arg['azimuthGS'] result['r_b2g_A'] += (, self.n), order='F') if 'elevationGS' in arg: el_GS = arg['elevationGS'] result['r_b2g_A'] += (, self.n), order='F')