Source code for CADRE.battery

''' Battery discipline for CADRE '''

import numpy as np

from openmdao.main.api import Component
from openmdao.lib.datatypes.api import Float, Array

import KS
import rk4

# Allow non-standard variable names for scientific calc
# pylint: disable-msg=C0103

sigma = 1e-10
eta = 0.99
Cp = 2900.0*0.001*3600.0
IR = 0.9
T0 = 293.0
alpha = np.log(1/1.1**5)

[docs]class BatterySOC(rk4.RK4): """Computes the time history of the battery state of charge. n_time: int number of time_steps to take time_step: float size of each timestep """ def __init__(self, n_times): super(BatterySOC, self).__init__() # Inputs self.add('iSOC', Array([0.0], shape=(1, ), dtype=np.float, iotype="in", units="unitless", desc="Initial state of charge") ) self.add('P_bat', Array(np.zeros((n_times, )), shape=(n_times, ), dtype=np.float, units="W", iotype="in", desc="Battery power over time") ) self.add('temperature', Array(np.zeros((5, n_times )), shape=(5, n_times ), dtype=np.float, units="degK", iotype="in", desc="Battery temperature over time") ) # Outputs self.add('SOC', Array(np.zeros((1, n_times)), shape=(1, n_times), dtype=np.float, iotype="out", units="unitless", desc="Battery state of charge over time") ) self.state_var = "SOC" self.init_state_var = "iSOC" self.external_vars = ["P_bat", "temperature"]
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('iSOC', 'P_bat','temperature',) output_keys = ('SOC',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def f_dot(self, external, state): """Rate of change of SOC""" SOC = state[0] P = external[0] T = external[5] voc = 3 + np.expm1(SOC) / (np.e-1) #dVoc_dSOC = np.exp(SOC) / (np.e-1) V = IR * voc * (2.0 - np.exp(alpha*(T-T0)/T0)) I = P/V soc_dot = -sigma/24*SOC + eta/Cp*I return soc_dot
[docs] def df_dy(self, external, state): """ State deriative """ SOC = state[0] P = external[0] T = external[5] voc = 3 + np.expm1(SOC) / (np.e-1) dVoc_dSOC = np.exp(SOC) / (np.e-1) tmp = 2 - np.exp(alpha*(T-T0)/T0) V = IR * voc * tmp #I = P/V dV_dSOC = IR * dVoc_dSOC * tmp dI_dSOC = -P/V**2 * dV_dSOC df_dy = -sigma/24 + eta/Cp*dI_dSOC return np.array([[df_dy]])
[docs] def df_dx(self, external, state): """ Output deriative """ SOC = state[0] P = external[0] T = external[1] voc = 3 + np.expm1(SOC) / (np.e-1) #dVoc_dSOC = np.exp(SOC) / (np.e-1) tmp = 2 - np.exp(alpha*(T-T0)/T0) V = IR * voc * tmp #I = P/V dV_dT = - IR * voc * np.exp(alpha*(T-T0)/T0) * alpha/T0 dI_dT = - P/V**2 * dV_dT dI_dP = 1.0/V return np.array([[eta/Cp*dI_dP, 0 , 0, 0, 0, eta/Cp*dI_dT]])
[docs]class BatteryPower(Component): """ Power supplied by the battery""" def __init__(self, n=2): super(BatteryPower, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add('SOC', Array(np.zeros((1, n)), size=(1, n), dtype=np.float, iotype="in", units="unitless", desc="Battery state of charge over time")) self.add('temperature', Array(np.zeros((5, n)), size=(n, ), dtype=np.float, iotype="in", units="degK", desc="Battery temperature over time")) self.add('P_bat', Array(np.zeros((n, )), size=(n, ), dtype=np.float, iotype="in", units="W", desc="Battery power over time")) # Outputs self.add('I_bat', Array(np.zeros((n, )), size=(n, ), dtype=np.float, iotype="out", units="A", desc="Battery Current over time"))
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ self.exponential = (2.0 - np.exp(alpha*(self.temperature[4, :]-T0)/T0)) self.voc = 3.0 + np.expm1(self.SOC[0, :]) / (np.e-1) self.V = IR * self.voc * self.exponential self.I_bat = self.P_bat/self.V
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('SOC', 'temperature','P_bat',) output_keys = ('I_bat',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives. (i.e., Jacobian) """ #dI_dP dV_dvoc = IR * self.exponential dV_dT = - IR * self.voc * np.exp(alpha*(self.temperature[4, :] - T0)/T0) * alpha / T0 dVoc_dSOC = np.exp(self.SOC[0, :]) / (np.e-1) self.dI_dP = 1.0 / self.V tmp = -self.P_bat/(self.V**2) self.dI_dT = tmp * dV_dT self.dI_dSOC = tmp * dV_dvoc * dVoc_dSOC
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'I_bat' in result: if 'P_bat' in arg: result['I_bat'] += self.dI_dP * arg['P_bat'] if 'temperature' in arg: result['I_bat'] += self.dI_dT * arg['temperature'][4, :] if 'SOC' in arg: result['I_bat'] += self.dI_dSOC * arg['SOC'][0, :]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'I_bat' in arg: if 'P_bat' in result: result['P_bat'] += self.dI_dP * arg['I_bat'] if 'temperature' in result: result['temperature'] += np.zeros(self.temperature.shape) result['temperature'][4, :] += self.dI_dT * arg['I_bat'] if 'SOC' in result: result['SOC'] += np.zeros(self.SOC.shape) result['SOC'][0, :] += self.dI_dSOC * arg['I_bat']
[docs]class BatteryConstraints(Component): """ Some KS constraints for the battery. I believe this essentially replaces a cycle in the graph. """ # Outputs ConCh = Float(0.0, iotype="out", units="A", desc="Constraint on charging rate") ConDs = Float(0.0, iotype="out", units="A", desc="Constraint on discharging rate") ConS0 = Float(0.0, iotype="out", units="unitless", desc="Constraint on minimum state of charge") ConS1 = Float(0.0, iotype="out", units="unitless", desc="Constraint on maximum state of charge") def __init__(self, n=2): super(BatteryConstraints, self).__init__() self.n = n self.rho = 50 self.Imin = -10.0 self.Imax = 5.0 self.SOC0 = 0.2 self.SOC1 = 1.0 # Inputs self.add('I_bat', Array(np.zeros((n,)), size=(n,), iotype="in", units="A", desc="Battery current over time")) self.add('SOC', Array(np.zeros((1, n)), size=(1, n), iotype="in", units="unitless", desc="Battery state of charge over time")) self.KS_ch = KS.KSfunction() self.KS_ds = KS.KSfunction() self.KS_s0 = KS.KSfunction() self.KS_s1 = KS.KSfunction()
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('I_bat', 'SOC',) output_keys = ('ConCh','ConDs','ConS0','ConS1') return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ self.ConCh = self.KS_ch.compute(self.I_bat - self.Imax, self.rho) self.ConDs = self.KS_ds.compute(self.Imin - self.I_bat, self.rho) self.ConS0 = self.KS_s0.compute(self.SOC0 - self.SOC, self.rho) self.ConS1 = self.KS_s1.compute(self.SOC - self.SOC1, self.rho)
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives (i.e., Jacobian). """ self.dCh_dg, self.dCh_drho = self.KS_ch.derivatives() self.dDs_dg, self.dDs_drho = self.KS_ds.derivatives() self.dS0_dg, self.dS0_drho = self.KS_s0.derivatives() self.dS1_dg, self.dS1_drho = self.KS_s1.derivatives()
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'I_bat' in arg: if 'ConCh' in result: result['ConCh'] +=, arg['I_bat']) if 'ConDs' in result: result['ConDs'] -=, arg['I_bat']) if 'SOC' in arg: if 'ConS0' in result: result['ConS0'] -=, arg['SOC'][0, :]) if 'ConS1' in result: result['ConS1'] +=, arg['SOC'][0, :])
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'I_bat' in result: if 'ConCh' in arg: result['I_bat'] += self.dCh_dg * arg['ConCh'] if 'ConDs' in arg: result['I_bat'] -= self.dDs_dg * arg['ConDs'] if 'SOC' in result: if 'ConS0' in arg: result['SOC'] -= self.dS0_dg * arg['ConS0'] if 'ConS1' in arg: result['SOC'] += self.dS1_dg * arg['ConS1']