Source code for CADRE.attitude

''' Attitude discipline for CADRE '''

import numpy as np

from openmdao.lib.datatypes.api import Float, Array
from openmdao.main.api import Component

from CADRE.kinematics import computepositionrotd, computepositionrotdjacobian

# Allow non-standard variable names for scientific calc
# pylint: disable-msg=C0103

[docs]class Attitude_Angular(Component): """ Calculates angular velocity vector from the satellite's orientation matrix and its derivative. """ def __init__(self, n=2): super(Attitude_Angular, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add('O_BI', Array(np.zeros((3, 3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, 3, n), units="unitless", desc="Rotation matrix from body-fixed frame to Earth-centered inertial frame over time")) self.add('Odot_BI', Array(np.zeros((3, 3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, 3, n), units="unitless", desc="First derivative of O_BI over time")) # Outputs self.add('w_B', Array(np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, n), units="1/s", desc="Angular velocity vector in body-fixed frame over time")) self.dw_dOdot = np.zeros((n, 3, 3, 3)) self.dw_dO = np.zeros((n, 3, 3, 3))
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives. (i.e., Jacobian) """ for i in range(0, self.n): self.dw_dOdot[i, 0, 2, :] = self.O_BI[1,:, i] self.dw_dO[i, 0, 1, :] = self.Odot_BI[2,:, i] self.dw_dOdot[i, 1, 0, :] = self.O_BI[2,:, i] self.dw_dO[i, 1, 2, :] = self.Odot_BI[0,:, i] self.dw_dOdot[i, 2, 1, :] = self.O_BI[0,:, i] self.dw_dO[i, 2, 0, :] = self.Odot_BI[1,:, i]
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ for i in range(0, self.n): self.w_B[0, i] =[2, :, i], self.O_BI[1,:, i]) self.w_B[1, i] =[0, :, i], self.O_BI[2,:, i]) self.w_B[2, i] =[1, :, i], self.O_BI[0,:, i])
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('O_BI', 'Odot_BI',) output_keys = ('w_B',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'w_B' in result: for k in xrange(3): for i in xrange(3): for j in xrange(3): if 'O_BI' in arg: result['w_B'][k, :] += self.dw_dO[:, k, i, j] * \ arg['O_BI'][i, j, :] if 'Odot_BI' in arg: result['w_B'][k, :] += self.dw_dOdot[:, k, i, j] * \ arg['Odot_BI'][i, j, :]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'w_B' in arg: for k in xrange(3): for i in xrange(3): for j in xrange(3): if 'O_BI' in result: result['O_BI'][i, j, :] += self.dw_dO[:, k, i, j] * \ arg['w_B'][k, :] if 'Odot_BI' in result: result['Odot_BI'][i, j, :] += self.dw_dOdot[:, k, i, j] * \ arg['w_B'][k, :]
[docs]class Attitude_AngularRates(Component): """ Calculates time derivative of angular velocity vector. """ def __init__(self, n=2): super(Attitude_AngularRates, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add('w_B', Array(np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, n), units="1/s", desc="Angular velocity vector in body-fixed frame over time" ) ) self.add('h', Float(28.8, iotype='in', units="s", desc="Time step for RK4 integration" ) ) # Outputs self.add( 'wdot_B', Array( np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, n), units="1/s**2", desc="Time derivative of w_B over time" ) )
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives. (i.e., Jacobian) """ # Calculation is fairly simple, so not cached. return
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('w_B', 'h',) output_keys = ('wdot_B',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ for k in xrange(3): self.wdot_B[k, 0] = self.w_B[k, 1] / self.h self.wdot_B[k, 0] -= self.w_B[k, 0] / self.h self.wdot_B[k, 1:-1] = self.w_B[k, 2:] / 2.0 / self.h self.wdot_B[k, 1:-1] -= self.w_B[k, :-2] / 2.0 / self.h self.wdot_B[k, -1] = self.w_B[k, -1] / self.h self.wdot_B[k, -1] -= self.w_B[k, -2] / self.h
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'w_B' in arg and 'wdot_B' in result: for k in xrange(3): result['wdot_B'][k, 0] += arg['w_B'][k, 1] / self.h result['wdot_B'][k, 0] -= arg['w_B'][k, 0] / self.h result['wdot_B'][k, 1:-1] += arg['w_B'][k, 2:] / 2.0 / self.h result['wdot_B'][k, 1:-1] -= arg['w_B'][k, :-2] / 2.0 / self.h result['wdot_B'][k, -1] += arg['w_B'][k, -1] / self.h result['wdot_B'][k, -1] -= arg['w_B'][k, -2] / self.h
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'wdot_B' in arg and 'w_B' in result: for k in xrange(3): result['w_B'][k, 1] += arg['wdot_B'][k, 0] / self.h result['w_B'][k, 0] -= arg['wdot_B'][k, 0] / self.h result['w_B'][k, 2:] += arg['wdot_B'][k, 1:-1] / 2.0 / self.h result['w_B'][k, :-2] -= arg['wdot_B'][k, 1:-1] / 2.0 / self.h result['w_B'][k, -1] += arg['wdot_B'][k, -1] / self.h result['w_B'][k, -2] -= arg['wdot_B'][k, -1] / self.h
[docs]class Attitude_Attitude(Component): """ Coordinate transformation from the interial plane to the rolled (forward facing) plane. """ dvx_dv = np.zeros((3, 3, 3)) dvx_dv[0, :, 0] = (0., 0., 0.) dvx_dv[1, :, 0] = (0., 0., -1.) dvx_dv[2, :, 0] = (0., 1., 0.) dvx_dv[0, :, 1] = (0., 0., 1.) dvx_dv[1, :, 1] = (0., 0., 0.) dvx_dv[2, :, 1] = (-1., 0., 0.) dvx_dv[0, :, 2] = (0., -1., 0.) dvx_dv[1, :, 2] = (1., 0., 0.) dvx_dv[2, :, 2] = (0., 0., 0.) def __init__(self, n=2): super(Attitude_Attitude, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add('r_e2b_I', Array(np.zeros((6, n)), iotype='in', shape=(6, n), units="unitless", desc="Position and velocity vector from earth to satellite in Earth-centered inertial frame over time")) # Outputs self.add('O_RI', Array(np.zeros((3, 3, n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, 3, n), units="unitless", desc="Rotation matrix from rolled body-fixed frame to Earth-centerd inertial frame over time")) self.dO_dr = np.zeros((n, 3, 3, 6))
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('r_e2b_I',) output_keys = ('O_RI',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives. (i.e., Jacobian) """ diB_dv = np.zeros((3, 3)) djB_dv = np.zeros((3, 3)) for i in range(0, self.n): r = self.r_e2b_I[0:3, i] v = self.r_e2b_I[3:, i] normr = np.sqrt(, r)) normv = np.sqrt(, v)) # Prevent overflow if normr < 1e-10: normr = 1e-10 if normv < 1e-10: normv = 1e-10 r = r / normr v = v / normv dr_dr = np.zeros((3, 3)) dv_dv = np.zeros((3, 3)) for k in range(0, 3): dr_dr[k, k] += 1.0 / normr dv_dv[k, k] += 1.0 / normv dr_dr[:, k] -= self.r_e2b_I[ 0:3, i] * self.r_e2b_I[k, i] / normr ** 3 dv_dv[:, k] -= self.r_e2b_I[ 3:, i] * self.r_e2b_I[3 + k, i] / normv ** 3 vx = np.zeros((3, 3)) vx[0, :] = (0., -v[2], v[1]) vx[1, :] = (v[2], 0., -v[0]) vx[2, :] = (-v[1], v[0], 0.) iB =, r) diB_dr = vx diB_dv[:, 0] =[:, :, 0], r) diB_dv[:, 1] =[:, :, 1], r) diB_dv[:, 2] =[:, :, 2], r) djB_diB = -vx djB_dv[:, 0] =[:, :, 0], iB) djB_dv[:, 1] =[:, :, 1], iB) djB_dv[:, 2] =[:, :, 2], iB) self.dO_dr[i, 0, :, 0:3] =, dr_dr) self.dO_dr[i, 0, :, 3:] =, dv_dv) self.dO_dr[i, 1, :, 0:3] =, diB_dr), dr_dr) self.dO_dr[i, 1, :, 3:] =, diB_dv) + djB_dv, dv_dv) self.dO_dr[i, 2, :, 3:] = -dv_dv
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ self.O_RI = np.zeros(self.O_RI.shape) for i in range(0, self.n): r = self.r_e2b_I[0:3, i] v = self.r_e2b_I[3:, i] normr = np.sqrt(, r)) normv = np.sqrt(, v)) # Prevent overflow if normr < 1e-10: normr = 1e-10 if normv < 1e-10: normv = 1e-10 r = r / normr v = v / normv vx = np.zeros((3, 3)) vx[0, :] = (0., -v[2], v[1]) vx[1, :] = (v[2], 0., -v[0]) vx[2, :] = (-v[1], v[0], 0.) iB =, r) jB =, iB) self.O_RI[0, :, i] = iB self.O_RI[1, :, i] = jB self.O_RI[2, :, i] = -v
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'r_e2b_I' in arg and 'O_RI' in result: for k in xrange(3): for j in xrange(3): for i in xrange(6): result['O_RI'][k, j, :] += self.dO_dr[:, k, j, i] * \ arg['r_e2b_I'][i, :]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'O_RI' in arg and 'r_e2b_I' in result: for k in xrange(3): for j in xrange(3): for i in xrange(6): result['r_e2b_I'][i, :] += self.dO_dr[:, k, j, i] * \ arg['O_RI'][k, j, :]
[docs]class Attitude_Roll(Component): """ Calculates the body-fixed orientation matrix. """ def __init__(self, n=2): super(Attitude_Roll, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add('Gamma', Array(np.zeros(n), iotype='in', shape=(n,), units="rad", desc="Satellite roll angle over time")) # Outputs self.add('O_BR', Array(np.zeros((3, 3, n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, 3, n), units="unitless", desc="Rotation matrix from body-fixed frame to rolled body-fixed frame over time")) self.dO_dg = np.zeros((n, 3, 3))
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('Gamma',) output_keys = ('O_BR',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives. (i.e., Jacobian) """ self.dO_dg = np.zeros((self.n, 3, 3)) self.dO_dg[:, 0, 0] = -np.sin(self.Gamma) self.dO_dg[:, 0, 1] = np.cos(self.Gamma) self.dO_dg[:, 1, 0] = -self.dO_dg[:, 0, 1] self.dO_dg[:, 1, 1] = self.dO_dg[:, 0, 0]
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ self.O_BR = np.zeros((3, 3, self.n)) self.O_BR[0, 0, :] = np.cos(self.Gamma) self.O_BR[0, 1, :] = np.sin(self.Gamma) self.O_BR[1, 0, :] = -self.O_BR[0, 1,:] self.O_BR[1, 1, :] = self.O_BR[0, 0,:] self.O_BR[2, 2, :] = np.ones(self.n)
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'Gamma' in arg and 'O_BR' in result: for k in xrange(3): for j in xrange(3): result['O_BR'][k, j, :] += self.dO_dg[:, k, j] * \ arg['Gamma']
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'O_BR' in arg and 'Gamma' in result: for k in xrange(3): for j in xrange(3): result['Gamma'] += self.dO_dg[:, k, j] * \ arg['O_BR'][k, j, :]
[docs]class Attitude_RotationMtx(Component): """ Multiplies transformations to produce the orientation matrix of the body frame with respect to inertial. """ def __init__(self, n=2): super(Attitude_RotationMtx, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add('O_BR', Array(np.zeros((3, 3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, 3, n), units="unitless", desc="Rotation matrix from body-fixed frame to rolled body-fixed frame over time" )) self.add('O_RI', Array(np.zeros((3, 3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, 3, n), units="unitless", desc="Rotation matrix from rolled body-fixed frame to Earth-centered inertial frame over time" )) # Outputs self.add('O_BI', Array(np.zeros((3, 3, n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, 3, n), units="unitless", desc="Rotation matrix from body-fixed frame to Earth-centered inertial frame over time" ))
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('O_BR', 'O_RI',) output_keys = ('O_BI',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives. (i.e., Jacobian) """ # Calculation is fairly simple, so not cached. return
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ for i in range(0, self.n): self.O_BI[:, :, i] =[:,:, i], self.O_RI[:,:, i])
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'O_BI' in result: for u in xrange(3): for v in xrange(3): for k in xrange(3): if 'O_RI' in arg: result['O_BI'][u, v, :] += self.O_BR[u, k,:] * \ arg['O_RI'][k, v, :] if 'O_BR' in arg: result['O_BI'][u, v, :] += arg['O_BR'][u, k,:] * \ self.O_RI[k, v, :]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'O_BI' in arg: for u in xrange(3): for v in xrange(3): for k in xrange(3): if 'O_RI' in result: result['O_RI'][k, v, :] += self.O_BR[u, k,:] * \ arg['O_BI'][u, v, :] if 'O_BR' in result: result['O_BR'][u, k, :] += arg['O_BI'][u, v,:] * \ self.O_RI[k, v, :]
[docs]class Attitude_RotationMtxRates(Component): """ Calculates time derivative of body frame orientation matrix. """ def __init__(self, n=2): super(Attitude_RotationMtxRates, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add('h', Float(28.8, iotype='in', units="s", desc="Time step for RK4 integration")) self.add('O_BI', Array(np.zeros((3, 3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, 3, n), units="unitless", desc="Rotation matrix from body-fixed frame to Earth-centered inertial frame over time")) # Outputs self.add('Odot_BI', Array(np.zeros((3, 3, n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, 3, n), units="unitless", desc="First derivative of O_BI over time"))
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('h', 'O_BI',) output_keys = ('Odot_BI',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives. (i.e., Jacobian) """ # Calculation is fairly simple, so not cached. return
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ for k in range(3): for j in range(3): self.Odot_BI[k, j, 0] = self.O_BI[k, j, 1] / self.h self.Odot_BI[k, j, 0] -= self.O_BI[k, j, 0] / self.h self.Odot_BI[k, j, 1:-1] = self.O_BI[k, j, 2:] / 2.0 / self.h self.Odot_BI[k, j, 1:-1] -= self.O_BI[k, j, :-2] / 2.0 / self.h self.Odot_BI[k, j, -1] = self.O_BI[k, j, -1] / self.h self.Odot_BI[k, j, -1] -= self.O_BI[k, j, -2] / self.h
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'O_BI' in arg and 'Odot_BI' in result: for k in xrange(3): for j in xrange(3): result['Odot_BI'][k, j, 0] += arg['O_BI'][k, j, 1] / self.h result['Odot_BI'][k, j, 0] -= arg['O_BI'][k, j, 0] / self.h result['Odot_BI'][k, j, 1:-1] += arg['O_BI'][k, j, 2:] / \ 2.0 / self.h result['Odot_BI'][k, j, 1:-1] -= arg['O_BI'][k, j, :-2] / \ 2.0 / self.h result['Odot_BI'][k, j, -1] += arg['O_BI'][k, j, -1] / \ self.h result['Odot_BI'][k, j, -1] -= arg['O_BI'][k, j, -2] / \ self.h
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'Odot_BI' in arg and 'O_BI' in result: for k in xrange(3): for j in xrange(3): result['O_BI'][k, j, 1] += arg['Odot_BI'][k, j, 0] / self.h result['O_BI'][k, j, 0] -= arg['Odot_BI'][k, j, 0] / self.h result['O_BI'][k, j, 2:] += arg['Odot_BI'][k, j, 1:-1] / \ 2.0 / self.h result['O_BI'][k, j, :-2] -= arg['Odot_BI'][k, j, 1:-1] / \ 2.0 / self.h result['O_BI'][k, j, -1] += arg['Odot_BI'][k, j, -1] / \ self.h result['O_BI'][k, j, -2] -= arg['Odot_BI'][k, j, -1] / \ self.h
[docs]class Attitude_Sideslip(Component): """ Determine velocity in the body frame.""" def __init__(self, n=2): super(Attitude_Sideslip, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add('r_e2b_I', Array(np.zeros((6, n)), iotype='in', shape=(6, n), units="unitless", desc="Position and velocity vector from earth to satellite in Earth-centered inertial frame over time" )) self.add('O_BI', Array(np.zeros((3, 3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, 3, n), units="unitless", desc="Rotation matrix from body-fixed frame to Earth-centered inertial frame over time")) # Outputs self.add('v_e2b_B', Array(np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, n), units="m/s", desc="Velocity vector from earth to satellite in body-fixed frame over time"))
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('r_e2b_I', 'O_BI',) output_keys = ('v_e2b_B',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives. (i.e., Jacobian) """ self.J1, self.J2 = computepositionrotdjacobian(self.n, self.r_e2b_I[3:, :], self.O_BI)
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ self.v_e2b_B = computepositionrotd(self.n, self.r_e2b_I[3:, :], self.O_BI)
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'v_e2b_B' in result: for k in xrange(3): if 'O_BI' in arg: for u in xrange(3): for v in xrange(3): result['v_e2b_B'][k, :] += self.J1[:, k, u, v] * \ arg['O_BI'][u, v, :] if 'r_e2b_I' in arg: for j in xrange(3): result['v_e2b_B'][k, :] += self.J2[:, k, j] * \ arg['r_e2b_I'][3+j, :]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'v_e2b_B' in arg: for k in xrange(3): if 'O_BI' in result: for u in xrange(3): for v in xrange(3): result['O_BI'][u, v, :] += self.J1[:, k, u, v] * \ arg['v_e2b_B'][k, :] if 'r_e2b_I' in result: for j in xrange(3): result['r_e2b_I'][3+j, :] += self.J2[:, k, j] * \ arg['v_e2b_B'][k, :]
[docs]class Attitude_Torque(Component): """ Compute the required reaction wheel tourque.""" J = np.zeros((3, 3)) J[0, :] = (0.018, 0., 0.) J[1, :] = (0., 0.018, 0.) J[2, :] = (0., 0., 0.006) def __init__(self, n=2): super(Attitude_Torque, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add('w_B', Array(np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, n), units="1/s", desc="Angular velocity in body-fixed frame over time")) self.add('wdot_B', Array(np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, n), units="1/s**2", desc="Time derivative of w_B over time")) # Outputs self.add('T_tot', Array(np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, n), units="N*m", desc="Total reaction wheel torque over time")) self.dT_dwdot = np.zeros((n, 3, 3)) self.dwx_dw = np.zeros((3, 3, 3)) self.dwx_dw[0, :, 0] = (0., 0., 0.) self.dwx_dw[1, :, 0] = (0., 0., -1.) self.dwx_dw[2, :, 0] = (0., 1., 0.) self.dwx_dw[0, :, 1] = (0., 0., 1.) self.dwx_dw[1, :, 1] = (0., 0., 0.) self.dwx_dw[2, :, 1] = (-1., 0, 0.) self.dwx_dw[0, :, 2] = (0., -1., 0) self.dwx_dw[1, :, 2] = (1., 0., 0.) self.dwx_dw[2, :, 2] = (0., 0., 0.)
[docs] def list_deriv_vars(self): input_keys = ('w_B', 'wdot_B',) output_keys = ('T_tot',) return input_keys, output_keys
[docs] def provideJ(self): """ Calculate and save derivatives. (i.e., Jacobian) """ self.dT_dw = np.zeros((self.n, 3, 3)) wx = np.zeros((3, 3)) for i in range(0, self.n): wx[0, :] = (0., -self.w_B[2, i], self.w_B[1, i]) wx[1, :] = (self.w_B[2, i], 0., -self.w_B[0, i]) wx[2, :] = (-self.w_B[1, i], self.w_B[0, i], 0.) self.dT_dwdot[i, :,:] = self.J self.dT_dw[i, :,:] =, self.J) for k in range(0, 3): self.dT_dw[i, :, k] +=[:,:, k],, self.w_B[:, i]))
[docs] def execute(self): """ Calculate output. """ wx = np.zeros((3, 3)) for i in range(0, self.n): wx[0, :] = (0., -self.w_B[2, i], self.w_B[1, i]) wx[1, :] = (self.w_B[2, i], 0., -self.w_B[0, i]) wx[2, :] = (-self.w_B[1, i], self.w_B[0, i], 0.) self.T_tot[:, i] =, self.wdot_B[:, i]) + \,, self.w_B[:, i]))
[docs] def apply_deriv(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the Jacobian. """ if 'T_tot' in result: for k in xrange(3): for j in xrange(3): if 'w_B' in arg: result['T_tot'][k, :] += self.dT_dw[:, k, j] * \ arg['w_B'][j, :] if 'wdot_B' in arg: result['T_tot'][k, :] += self.dT_dwdot[:, k, j] * \ arg['wdot_B'][j, :]
[docs] def apply_derivT(self, arg, result): """ Matrix-vector product with the transpose of the Jacobian. """ if 'T_tot' in arg: for k in xrange(3): for j in xrange(3): if 'w_B' in result: result['w_B'][j, :] += self.dT_dw[:, k, j] * \ arg['T_tot'][k, :] if 'wdot_B' in result: result['wdot_B'][j,:] += self.dT_dwdot[:, k, j] * \ arg['T_tot'][k,:]