Source code for CADRE.KS

import numpy as np

from openmdao.main.api import Component
from openmdao.lib.datatypes.api import Float, Array

[docs]class KSfunction(object): """Helper class that can be used inside other components to aggregate constraint vectors with a KS function."""
[docs] def compute(self, g, rho=50): """Gets the value of the KS function for the given array of constraints.""" self.rho = rho self.g_max = np.max(g) self.g_diff = g-self.g_max self.exponents = np.exp(rho * self.g_diff) self.summation = np.sum(self.exponents) self.KS = self.g_max + 1.0/rho * np.log(self.summation) return self.KS
[docs] def derivatives(self): """returns a row vector of [dKS_gd, dKS_drho]""" dsum_dg = self.rho*self.exponents dKS_dsum = 1.0/self.rho/self.summation self.dKS_dg = dKS_dsum * dsum_dg dsum_drho = np.sum(self.g_diff*self.exponents) self.dKS_drho = dKS_dsum * dsum_drho return self.dKS_dg, self.dKS_drho
[docs]class KSComp(Component): """Aggregates a number of functions to a single value via the Kreisselmeier-Steinhauser Function.""" rho = Float(.1, iotype="in", desc="Hyperparameter for the KS function") KS = Float(0, iotype="out", desc="Value of the aggregate KS function") def __init__(self, n=2): super(KS, self).__init__() self.n = n self.add('g',Array(zeros((n,)), size=(n,1), dtype=Float, iotype="in", desc="Array of function values to be aggregated")) self._ks = KSfunction()
[docs] def execute(self): self.KS = self._ks.compute(self.g, self.rho)
[docs] def linearize(self): """Linearize around the last executed point""" #use g_max, exponsnte, summation from last executed point self.J = np.hstack(self._ks.derivatives())
[docs] def provideDer(self): ins = ('g','rho') outs = ('KS', ) return ins, outs, self.J